I’m off!  Serious test cooking begins.  These were delicious.  I made them exactly to the recipe apart from being slightly generous with the salt.  Served with a big slice of gammon and a mighty dollop of the Temple Big Pan Piccalilli.   Mmmmm.  Luckily there is some of the mixture left over for breakfast so I’ll have the rest with a fried egg on top.  I do so loves my eggs at the weekend.

I’m watching Angels With Dirty Faces.  It was a gift from my date last night as in email correspondence I admitted that I’d never seen a Cagney film.  That was a nice surprise.  It’s good.  Ann Sheridan is great.  I love those moody birds who don’t react at all when they are being chatted up.  I wish I was more like that, instead of being like a grateful puppy, wagging my tail and sticking my tongue out if anyone pays me the slightest attention.

Co-inidentally the next recipe in the selection for the book alphabetically is Ann Sheridan’s Chili Casserole which I am planning to make tomorrow.  I’m getting a few under my belt before the year is out…

My date was good.  I’m playing things differently this time.  My New Year’s wish is for a different kind of man than the ones I’ve been knocking around with lately.  I had a lot of fun with Mr Tall Tales Jackson earlier this year but I’d like the next guy I go out with to err on the side of truthfulness.  Or at least not claim that their father had a full sized basketball court in their house…

Maybe I’ll meet someone like Alan?

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