It’s been an EPIC week.  I’ve had two more responses from film star copyright holders in the affirmative and have been nominated for a blog award.  How FABULOUS – click on the VOTE button if you’d like to – Little Blog Awards (Silver Screen Suppers should be near the top on the right hand side) – I wanna win the egg cosy!  I’m going to write a proper post about my exciting correspondences next week, I aim to cook the dishes of each star whose representatives say yes!  I cannot tell you how excited I am getting…

Yesterday I not only heard about my nomination but also got the news that Ptolemy has won a big award for Best Fabric Designer 2011.  I hope she won’t mind me posting this link of her looking beautiful – this morning she sent me a text with the momentous news that she’d also got her grant from the Arts Council for a new loom!  This is such fabulous news and I am so proud of her.  I’ve had that Rose Geranium cake too.  Makes women go weak at the knees as well as men I can testify.

The planets are getting into some kind of alignment for us Sagittarian women – feels like anything is possible…

Um, because of all of the above I don’t feel too bad about saying that last night’s attempt at making Cary’s pie was a fail.  I blame JIM as he was saying that if his soup can turn out like a pie, my pie can turn out like a soup.  And it did.  Need to look at my white sauce ingredient ratios I think…

Cary Grant’s Tuna Fish Pie

200g* / 1 cup tuna
140g / 1 cup diced carrots
150g / 1 cup peas
140g / 1 cup diced potatoes
35g / ½ cup mushrooms
4 tbsp butter
3 tbsp flour
475ml / 2 cups milk
2 hard boiled eggs, sliced
¼ tsp pepper
½ tsp salt
½ recipe for baking powder biscuits (see appendix)

Flake the tuna fish.  Cook the carrots, peas, potatoes and mushrooms separately in small quantities of water for 15 minutes.  Melt the butter, add the flour and blend well.  Add milk, mushrooms and stir, cooking gently, until smooth and thickened.  Add seasonings.  Combine with cooked drained vegetables, eggs and fish.  Pour into baking dish.  Roll out biscuit dough to ½ inch thickness, cut with small cutter and place biscuits on top of fish and vegetables.  Bake in hot oven for 12 to 15 minutes, or until biscuits are brown.

Note: I usually add some extra seasonings such as 1 tsp celery salt in place of the salt and one tsp dried dill to joosh up the white sauce.

* A 200g tin of tuna yields about 140g tuna which is about 1 cup.  

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