“We got potato soup and mutton week after week at home.
I still turn green when lamb is served. “
I still turn green when lamb is served. “
Charley came round for dinner last night and because of his passion for the FRANKFURTER I made Alan Ladd’s Hamburger Rodeo. What a strange dish that is. Not to mention the fat content – you have to slice the frankfurter’s in half then fry them in butter before smothering them in chili. Very bizarre.
Still, even though my local Asda didn’t sell Charley’s all time favourite HERTA Frankfurter’s (cue impression of Frank Muir) he seemed to enjoy his dinner saying, “you can’t complain about a Frankfurter”.
It was lovely to see his big old beared face on the pillow this morning…
Hotdog fried in butter, hmm? Well, I guess you can take the kid out of the poor American south but your can’t take the poor south out of the kid…
As an Alan Ladd fan, I first stumbled over your blog when your posts about his potato pancake recipes popped up in my search results. I’d love to get the recipe for them.
The anchovy salad and the hamburger rodeo though…I’m curious but I can probably pass on personally trying them out.
Greetings! I’m happy to send over the potato pancake recipe and the others I have for Alan Ladd too! Just in case you fancy a whole Alan Ladd FEAST! I’m away from my recipes just now, staying with my bubblechum, but when I am back I will ferret them out and send them over to you x