Mmmmm – delicious! My latest column for Eatdrinkfilms is all about grilled cheese sandwiches. A staple in the States, but a mystery to me until recently. Frying a sandwich in butter? Outrageous! But the first one I tried, Anne Baxter’s Mexican Cheese Supper Sandwich, was really, really delicious…

Anne doing something I do a million times a day, scrabbling around in a bag trying to find something…
The recipes for Anne Baxter’s version, and Angie’s open faced cheese on toast sandwich can be found here… I LOVE Angie Dickinson
first seeing her on the telebox in Police Woman when I was a kid.
I loved that show, and I loved Angie’s sandwich too. Ham and mustard, tomato, gherkins and cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!
I did everything to Angie’s recipe, using lovely rye bread from Euphorium Bakery.
My only modification was to add a little black pepper, in tribute to Angie’s character in Police Woman – Sergeant “Pepper” Anderson. Thanks to the ace Johnny Ray Huston for that little joke!
So if you are in the mood for oozy, gooey, cheesy sandwiches, zip over to Eatdrinkfilms for the recipes. By the way, it’s free to subscribe to the magazine and whether you are a film fan, a food fan or both, it has loads of fabulous food for thought. Sorry for that CHEESY “food for thought” bit. I’m in a cheesy kind of mood…