Edmund read Tuesday’s post and decided that he would like Anna May’s Duck for his dinner last night. He missed the party and wanted to peruse my new flat. As a man with a penchant for the 1930s I knew he’d like it. As nosey as I am, he particularly enjoyed perching on my bar stool watching all the coming and goings up and down the garden path.
I put Natalie’s advice into practice by adding ginger, garlic and LOTS of Chinese cooking wine to the recipe and it was DE-LI-CIOUS. With these modifications I think that this recipe might now have jumped up into my top 5 favourite Silver Screen Suppers dishes. Apologies to those of you who love the Anna May Wong Tea Cakes but the duck is definitely going to be the recipe for her page in the book.
Lovely, as always, to hang out with Edmund. We had long discussions about writing and relationships. We both agreed that it was difficult to break habits set in motion by ex-boyfriends. I am still rinsing things after I wash them up 10 months after splitting from Sidney and Edmund is still sporting boxer shorts even though really he’d like to be in skimpies! I say BURN THE BOXERS!
Maybe the tea cakes can go in volume 2?
Fabulous idea!