Supreme?  In what way is this supreme Anne?  I’m disappointed in you!  Mind you, I should have known just by reading the ingredients, but I liked the SOUND of it, so I decided to make it.  A good recipe name can do a lot of convincing sometimes.  Perhaps it was the Malibu part that tempted me in, because the (as yet unblogged) Lee Grant Malibu Chicken was divine.

Here’s Anne just about to do my favourite thing in a movie ever.  Rip her wig.  Ha ha!


My second favourite movie scene is Divine on a trampoline, I’ve never been able to find a photo of that online though.  3rd?  I’d have to think about that one…

So basically for Anne’s recipe you peel and slice a couple of potatoes, and peel and slice a couple of onions and layer them in a buttered casserole dish.  You then pop a large can of flaked tuna fish on top.  Add salt and pepper and then bung a whole cup of ketchup on.  What?  Yes.  Bake it covered for 30 minutes then uncovered for 15 – I baked mine at 150 C in a fan oven but I reckon I should have had it higher.

I don’t know what to say!  I ate it though, and will eat the leftovers on Saturday…


I’d been a bit spoiled food-wise earlier in the day so I wasn’t so famished that I ripped my wig in disappointment at this dish…  I went somewhere I’d been dying to try for years, Roast in Borough Market.  I had the “full Borough breakfast” which was very good, but I have to boast that I believe that the fry ups Me and Mr R put together almost every Sunday are even better…  We’ve got it down to a fine art.

However, I did enjoy meeting these fellows on the way out and would love to go there for lunch or dinner sometime…

rsz_img_1813A little update on the KonMari decluttering project.  Phase 2 is completed – the DVDs.  Here’s the pile – it is 8 DVDs deep so there are a lot more than it might at first seem…


I used the KonMari technique and only put back on the shelves the DVDs that “gave me joy”.  Result?  41 DVDs will shortly be leaving the building and those that were left – remarkable coincidence? – fit exactly into the bottom shelf of my bookshelf.  This was precisely the result I was looking for. She is a GENIUS.

I’ve been looking at pictures of Anne Baxter online.  She’s such a sauce-pot.  I like her in everything I’ve seen her in.   I’ve been reading a book today about Irene Dunne, Claudette Colbert and Katharine Hepburn, it’s weird but I don’t feel the same way about those stars at all.  I wonder why some actresses really appeal to some people and others don’t?  Mysterious.

Ann Baxter,actress,movie still from The Ten Commandments

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