by Jenny | 20 Nov, 2024 | Dinner and a Movie, Vincent Price
We are celebrating all things Vincent Price over on the Dinner and a Movie Substack this month. There is a competition to win a copy of the forthcoming Blu-ray release of Vincent’s 1974 TV cooking show. I’m on the “extras” of this, talking...
by Jenny | 10 Jul, 2024 | Dinner and a Movie, Paul McCartney
COR! This was utterly delicious! I’ve never made chips before and neither had Mr R so we approached this test cook with great trepidation. As we grew up in the 1970s we had fear installed in us about CHIP PAN FIRES by many public information films,...
by Jenny | 21 Apr, 2024 | Dinner and a Movie, Doris Day
I keep forgetting to let y’all know that April’s Dinner and a Movie selection for the Silver Screen Suppers Club is Pillow Talk with the divine Doris Day. If you fancy cooking up one of her brilliant fluffy baked potatoes, skip over here for the...
by Jenny | 18 Mar, 2024 | Dinner and a Movie, Joan Fontaine
This month’s selection for the Silver Screen Supper Club Dinner and a Movie is the wonderful Rebecca (1940) and we had a super fun watch-party last Sunday. Folks joined us here in the UK from Canada and the USA to chat about Mrs Danvers giving our heroine the...
by Jenny | 7 Feb, 2024 | Anne Bancroft, Dinner and a Movie
If you fancy treating yourself to a classic movie plus a movie star din-dins to go with it, over on my Substack the featured movie for February is The Graduate. Here’s a link to the post that contains Anne’s tamale pie recipe – come and join...
by Jenny | 16 Oct, 2023 | Dinner and a Movie, Ernest Hemingway, Screenwriter Cocktails
Mr Rathbone once had a party in his flat, and someone bought him a bottle of absinthe as a gift. But then some big boys in the kitchen drank it all and ran away. Because of this and because it is in a Jimmy Durante cocktail I want to try, I bought him a bottle for...
by Jenny | 16 Sep, 2023 | Dinner and a Movie, Ian Carmichael, Richard Attenborough, Sheila Sim, Terry-Thomas
Welcome to new readers who have landed here via Talking Pictures TV. I’m excited to propose a fabulous star-spangled menu for everyone to enjoy alongside a screening of I’m All Right Jack on Sunday 8th October at 6.30pm. We are having a Silver Screen...
by Jenny | 3 Sep, 2023 | Claudette Colbert, Dinner and a Movie
This month’s Dinner and a Movie suggestion is It Happened One Night – skip over to Substack to read all about it, and join in! Clark Gable cooks scrambled eggs in It Happened One Night, so it seemed serendipitous that I had a recipe for same via Claudette....
by Jenny | 7 Jul, 2023 | Barbara Stanwyck, Dinner and a Movie, Movie Star Cocktails
The film for this month’s Dinner and a Movie is Ball of Fire (1941), and the suggestions for accompaniments are Barbara Stanwyck’s Meatloaf, her Pimento Salad and a cinnamon-based cocktail I have named after her character in the movie, The Sugarpuss...
by Jenny | 9 Jun, 2023 | Dinner and a Movie, Jane Russell
It’s Gentlemen Prefer Blondes month over at Dinner and a Movie! Join us if you fancy watching the film sometime in June and then sharing your thoughts on it. There are a few recipes from the Kitchen of Jane Russell for you to rustle up in this post, and here...
by Jenny | 4 Jun, 2023 | Dinner and a Movie, Jane Russell
I’ve selected Gentlemen Prefer Blondes for June’s Dinner and a Movie, so if you fancy joining the fun, grab yourself a copy of it and watch it in your own time, on your own sofa sometime in June. There will be chit-chat about the film in our virtual...
by Jenny | 7 May, 2023 | Cecil B Demille, Dinner and a Movie, Gloria Swanson, William Holden
Greetings to those dropping by from Dinner and a Movie for some extra recipes suitable for serving alongside a screening of Sunset Blvd. First up, possibly the maddest thing I have ever made William Holden’s Lime Gelatine with Carrots, Nuts and Olives. Yes, this...
by Jenny | 16 Apr, 2023 | Dinner and a Movie
Hello chums – I’ve just opened the doors to the Silver Screen Suppers Club virtual reality cinema bar so join us for a chat about All About Eve – the chatroom is open 24/7 on the Substack app. It’s effectively our opening night and it’s...
by Jenny | 2 Apr, 2023 | Bette Davis, Dinner and a Movie
I’ve launched a new THING over on Substack today. A virtual reality star-spangled dinner and a movie club. It is something I’ve wanted to do for ages, and now it exists. So exciting. Come and join us! Everyone is welcome, wherever you are in the world,...
by Jenny | 12 Mar, 2023 | Dinner and a Movie
I’m excited to announce that I’m launching an online dinner and a movie club. I’ll be proposing a classic movie each month and suggesting appropriate movie star recipes for you to try alongside. Watch and cook in your own time, indulging yourself in...
by Jenny | 8 Aug, 2020 | Dinner and a Movie, John Cassavetes, Mia Farrow, Ruth Gordon, When Bloggers Meet or Collaborate
I had a friend inside my flat last week. Is that allowed in London at the moment? I have absolutely no idea, I have totally lost track. Well arrest me if you want, Cathy of Kitchen Confidence came round for a cocktail and as I was planning to test the Vodka Blush from...
by Jenny | 13 Nov, 2019 | Dinner and a Movie, Kay & Fred's Movie Night, Sammy Davis Jr
I once saw a series of photographs featuring the same family on the same day every year for many, many years. It was a fabulous insight into the ageing process. I have almost the same record of me ageing over the years with prawns in hand at The Company Shed on Mersea...
by Jenny | 13 Oct, 2019 | Dinner and a Movie, Kay & Fred's Movie Night, Sean Connery
I live alone, and when I was single for many years, I absolutely loved a solo Friday night in. I would come home from work, make myself a Martini and listen to the Desmond Carrington Show on Radio 4. Much missed. Who else would pair a Meatloaf track with a George...
by Jenny | 30 Jun, 2019 | Dinner and a Movie, Joan Fontaine
When I told my desk-mate Lucy that I’d made a Joan Fontaine dish and watched Rebecca, she immediately did a “Joan Fontaine in Rebecca” face that made me laugh like a drain. I then did a “Joan Fontaine in Rebecca” face that made HER laugh...
by Jenny | 29 May, 2019 | Alfred Hitchcock, Dinner and a Movie, Kay & Fred's Movie Night
Ah, Mr. Hitchock. There is much debate about this quiche recipe. Hitch famously disliked eggs, but what is a quiche lorraine without eggs? Um, ham and some milk in a pastry case? Methinks perhaps it was raw eggs that gave him the heeby-jeebies but he liked them...
by Jenny | 16 May, 2019 | Dinner and a Movie, Liberace
Liberace was born on this day one hundred years ago. Happy birthday Lee! Recently I got an email from my chum, food writer Orlando Murrin, asking me if I’d ever seen The Loved One which features Liberace playing an undertaker. Well yes, I had, but not for a...
by Jenny | 26 Mar, 2019 | Clark Gable, Dinner and a Movie, Kay & Fred's Movie Night
I definitely have more movie star recipes for chilli than any other dish. I’ve made Robert Mitchum’s, Johnny Cash’s, Monte Hale’s, Trish Van Devere’s, Anne Sheridan’s, Barton MacLane’s, Richard Arlen’s, Tex...
by Jenny | 26 Feb, 2019 | Dinner and a Movie, Elizabeth Taylor, Kay & Fred's Movie Night, Tommy Sands
This month’s film suggestion in the Kay & Fred’s Movie Night column in Delicious magazine is a MODERN film. I rarely watch anything post-1968 – could I do it? The cut-off point Committing to following Kay and Fred’s suggestions is a bit...
by Jenny | 27 Jan, 2019 | Dinner and a Movie, Kay & Fred's Movie Night, Mary Astor, Movie Star Cocktails
I was beside myself with excitement when I saw that my fave food mag Delicious Magazine has a new column called Kay & Fred’s Movie Night. Kay Plunkett-Hogge and her partner Fred will be selecting a movie and suggesting a meal to have alongside it each month....
by Jenny | 5 Aug, 2018 | Diana Dors, Dinner and a Movie
I was wondering what to do with all the Edam I had left over from the Diana Dors Cheese and Sweetcorn Pasta Salad I made the other day, and Diana herself had a suggestion in the X-Cel Diet cookbook. Caesar Salad. It’s salads all round at the moment because...
by Jenny | 3 Jun, 2018 | Dinner and a Movie, Peter Cushing, Vincent Price
From June 1-3, 2018, Vincent Price Legacy UK and Silver Screen Suppers are taking part in a fantastic blogathon celebrating all things Amicus and Hammer, hosted by Cinematic Carthasis and Realweegiemidget Reviews, and we’ve picked Scream and Scream Again and Madhouse...
by Jenny | 8 Apr, 2018 | Bette Davis, Dashiell Hammett, Dinner and a Movie, Lillian Hellman
I promised myself that one of the things I would do once the Columbo book was finished was this. Treat myself to two celebrity related dishes from my chum’s Tonight at 7.30 cookbook and watch an appropriate movie while I ate them. I know Kristen Frederickson...
by Jenny | 3 Nov, 2017 | Dinner and a Movie, Jack Lemmon
Sometimes I fantasize about having chums round for a poker game and serving food like Oscar “Divorced, Broke and Sloppy” Madison does in this movie. He’s a filthy bachelor living in squalor and one of his card-shark chums observes of his disgusting,...
by Jenny | 11 Jan, 2017 | Dinner and a Movie
I have never cooked Ramen before, in fact, I have never eaten Ramen before, so this dish was quite an adventure for me. The lovely folks at emailed me out of the blue to ask if I’d like to try out their Ramen kit and I said HELL...