Vincent Price Month

Vincent Price Month

We are celebrating all things Vincent Price over on the Dinner and a Movie Substack this month. There is a competition to win a copy of the forthcoming Blu-ray release of Vincent’s 1974 TV cooking show. I’m on the “extras” of this, talking...
Paul McCartney’s Egg and Chips

Paul McCartney’s Egg and Chips

COR!  This was utterly delicious!  I’ve never made chips before and neither had Mr R so we approached this test cook with great trepidation.  As we grew up in the 1970s we had fear installed in us about CHIP PAN FIRES by many public information films,...
Doris Day’s Stuffed Potatoes

Doris Day’s Stuffed Potatoes

I keep forgetting to let y’all know that April’s Dinner and a Movie selection for the Silver Screen Suppers Club is Pillow Talk with the divine Doris Day. If you fancy cooking up one of her brilliant fluffy baked potatoes, skip over here for the...
Joan Fontaine’s Chicken Fontaine

Joan Fontaine’s Chicken Fontaine

This month’s selection for the Silver Screen Supper Club Dinner and a Movie is the wonderful Rebecca (1940) and we had a super fun watch-party last Sunday. Folks joined us here in the UK from Canada and the USA to chat about Mrs Danvers giving our heroine the...
Jane Russell Cocktails

Jane Russell Cocktails

It’s Gentlemen Prefer Blondes month over at Dinner and a Movie! Join us if you fancy watching the film sometime in June and then sharing your thoughts on it.  There are a few recipes from the Kitchen of Jane Russell for you to rustle up in this post, and here...
Jane Russell’s Chili

Jane Russell’s Chili

I’ve selected Gentlemen Prefer Blondes for June’s Dinner and a Movie, so if you fancy joining the fun, grab yourself a copy of it and watch it in your own time, on your own sofa sometime in June.  There will be chit-chat about the film in our virtual...
Bette Davis’ Red Flannel Hash

Bette Davis’ Red Flannel Hash

I’ve launched a new THING over on Substack today.  A virtual reality star-spangled dinner and a movie club. It is something I’ve wanted to do for ages, and now it exists.  So exciting. Come and join us! Everyone is welcome, wherever you are in the world,...
Dinner and a Movie – Announcement

Dinner and a Movie – Announcement

I’m excited to announce that I’m launching an online dinner and a movie club.  I’ll be proposing a classic movie each month and suggesting appropriate movie star recipes for you to try alongside. Watch and cook in your own time, indulging yourself in...
Liberace’s Lasagna

Liberace’s Lasagna

Liberace was born on this day one hundred years ago. Happy birthday Lee! Recently I got an email from my chum, food writer Orlando Murrin, asking me if I’d ever seen The Loved One which features Liberace playing an undertaker. Well yes, I had, but not for a...
Dinner and a Movie – Ramen and Tampopo

Dinner and a Movie – Ramen and Tampopo

I have never cooked Ramen before, in fact, I have never eaten Ramen before, so this dish was quite an adventure for me.  The lovely folks at emailed me out of the blue to ask if I’d like to try out their Ramen kit and I said HELL...

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