Test Cook’s Report – Tyne Daly’s Key Lime Pie

Test Cook’s Report – Tyne Daly’s Key Lime Pie

Here’s a test cook report from my lovely writer chum Sarah Broughton in Cardiff.  I don’t see Sarah as often as I would like, but I’ll never forget when we spent a long weekend working on our short novels during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing...
Tyne Daly’s Lacey’s Key Lime Pie

Tyne Daly’s Lacey’s Key Lime Pie

Another first for January, Key Lime Pie.  Much discussion about the name of this pie with Mr R, the Key relates to the Florida keys right?  Aha, I see from Wikipedia that I am indeed right!  But more than that, Key limes are a particular type of lime that are...
Tyne Daly’s Greyhound

Tyne Daly’s Greyhound

Greetings kittens!  Did you have a lovely festive season?  It’s still going on around here, as I’m off to Mr R’s this afternoon for our pretend Christmas day.  We went to our respective parentals for the real one.  I cooked the...

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