For Christmas one of my gifts from Mr Rathbone was an offer to test cook three dishes for the forthcoming Cooking the Detectives book.  The first one he went for was Robert Wagner’s Chili and on Friday night he rustled up the second.

It was LUSH.  The sauce is absolutely delicious and the whole meal really quick to put together and Mr R says, “If I can make it, anybody can”! This is totally recommended my friends!

Mr R has been making me laugh by devising foodie names for detective shows.  Here’s what he’s come up with so far. Starsky & Lunch, Silverside, ColCannon, Charlie’s Angel Cakes and The Streets of San Fran Sourdough.  I’ve only managed one.  Burke’s Slaw.

It reminds me of when I was a guest on the Jonny Trunk radio show talking about Cooking with Columbo and people had to phone in with foodie move star names.  My favourites were Telly Saveloy and Harry Belafondue….

I haven’t started watching Ephrem in Sunset Strip 77 yet, but I’m looking forward to it.  Not least because I want to see Kookie and his comb…

"Stop combing your hair and kiss me!"

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