All is chaos at Silver Screen Suppers Towers as the landlord asked if I would like my lounge painted. Although the idea of having to move everything out of there, before applying the KonMari decluttering method, filled me with the fear, with the help of Mr R, it is done. Here’s how it looks. It will never look this way again!
I can’t bear to put any photos up showing what the rest of my flat looks like. I have TOO MUCH STUFF, obv. From where I type I can see millions of scrabble-bags, boxes full of knitting needles and a hula hoop. It’s like a mad tramp’s house.

Not my room… as some of you know, I am TV-free at the Palace of Solitude, but take away the tele, this is pretty much an approximation of how I am living…
My kitchen is crammed full with bottles of booze. Seemed like the sensible place to put it all, but it means there is not much room for cooking. There was room enough for a breakfast bean omelette though. I did a “cheats” version as I had half a tin of these left over from yesterday’s breakfast:
Mmmm. It was GOOD!
For the recipe for Diana’s omelette, skip over to this month’s column over at Eat Drink Films. It’s so easy (especially when you don’t even have to fry up some bacon) and utterly delicious. As the professional food bloggers say, it’s on heavy rotation in this house. Thanks Diana!