COR! This was utterly delicious! I’ve never made chips before and neither had Mr R so we approached this test cook with great trepidation. As we grew up in the 1970s we had fear installed in us about CHIP PAN FIRES by many public information films, consequently Mr R spent a lot of time blocking me from getting too close to the boiling oil.
I bought this chip sieve thing, especially for this recipe but my goodness there is no way it is only going to get used just once. I just loved our homemade chips! If you too are new to this kind of business, I heartily recommend this Jamie Oliver step-by-step guide. It fits with Paul’s recipe but gives more guidance on timings and extra tips.
Behold the splendour!
This recipe is the suggestion for Dinner and a Movie this month – we are watching A Hard Day’s Night – join us!
Skip over here for all the info.
Coming soon to club members over at Dinner and a Movie
- John Lennon’s cocoa recipes
- George Harrison’s soup
- Ringo’s method for fish and chips – get someone else to make them for you, basically.
Also a video demo of me comparing whisky & coke (Beatles fave) and bourbon & coke – with added John Lennon impressions by Mr Rathbone.
Books packed with star-spangled recipes!
My books via Amazon
or directly from me via my brand new Etsy shop (I can sign them if you wish)
My books via EtsySwitch to your own country for correct postal costs!
I can’t believe you never made chips before !! And get a proper chip pan with a lid before you start a fire young lady !! Oh, how I love egg and chips and a slice . My maternal gran used to cook them in a frying pan with lard, they were delicious, but then she discovered TREX cooking oil and got a proper chip pan for some reason. But when visiting them in Kidbrooke if wasn’t a ham on the bone sarnie, egg and chips and a slice would be my lunch and I can still hear her words .. ‘Want some more chips boy ?’ By a strange coincidence a couple of months ago, I got on a bus in Woolwich to go back to Greenwich and the bus went right by their old house, that I hadn’t seen since primary school ! Course I had to get off at the next stop and walk back . Not surprised at Sir Pauls choice though, at heart they’re all still just young lads from Liverpool bought up in that post war era . When they went to visit the Maharishi in India Ringo took a suitcase of baked beans with him ! You can’t trust that foreign food you know !
Haha – I LOVE Ringo! When me and Mr R spent a whole Easter weekend watching the Get Back documentary (all 7 hours+ of it) I fell in love with him. Such a cutie! The baked beans story is so good. Naturally, I am reading your message early in the morning and now I want egg and chips and a slice for breakfast!