Seemed only fitting to try a Mexican recipe whilst here in the Lone Star State. I only have three more days here and want to cry because I am loving it so much. Last night was a real film-fest night in the old school style as Ruth’s chum William Haines came over for Enchiladas and the conversation was mostly about Joan and her Daughter Dearest. Love the fact that Joan fans are so polarised over who they believe on the issue of Joan’s childrearing methods.
Saturday was just the best day here. Involved driving through an electrical storm, just missing the chance to get a free watermelon, jumping the queue at the Salt Lick, sitting on a blanket at the LBJ ranch watching True Grit under the stars, having my photo taken with the joint winners of the John Wayne Lookalike Contest and being swung around the dance floor at the legendary Broken Spoke. It just does not get any better than that in my opinion. Yeehah!