This week’s Quarantini Time features a cocktail named after the swashbuckling Douglas Fairbanks gleaned from the amazing Savoy Club Cocktail Book.

As his niece Leticia Fairbanks pointed out to me in a comment on a previous post about this cocktail, her uncle was teetotal for most of his life and certainly wouldn’t have been drinking these in 1930 when the book was published.

However, if you have the wherewithal in your cocktail cabinet, check out the video and see how to rustle up one! Please note, I made a schoolgirl error and forgot the lemon juice, plus I should have garnished with a cherry – what was I thinking?!

Next week, the Mary Pickford cocktail – you will need light rum, pineapple juice, grenadine and a maraschino cherry. Until then, stay quarantineeeeeeeed!

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