When you wake up on a Tuesday morning during a pandemic and the news that greets you is that singing and dancing is now illegal in pubs

it is easy to think that ALL FUN is cancelled. Now and forever.
There is still fun to be had of course. But we are going to have to make our own fun for a while. Hang in there my lovelies and do all the things that you love. But on your own. Or with whoever you live with if indeed you live with anyone.
It feels like the perfect time to get out of London for a few days. While am still allowed to. A big dog with sharp teeth is guarding my flat. I shall be going off-grid on Mersea Island to the place me and Mr R love to be once a year if we can…

This is the view from the garden…

We’ll be making our own fun by eating lots, drinking lots, and playing tiddlywinks,
I will be pressing the reset button many, many times with force…

so that I am ready for the hibernation-time ahead. I cannot wait to give my brain a rest. It’s been working overtime during the last few months. I am shutting it down for 5 days. Will I ever get it going again?

A blog reader recently got in touch to ask if I would send over some Errol Flynn recipes.

I am so disorganized that it took me days and days to gather them all together and send them on. I thought to myself, this has been such a gargantuan effort, maybe I should put them all up on the blog for all Errol Flynn fans to enjoy? So here they are. This is everything I have in the collection. If you know of any more I would LOVE to have them. Until then. Here we go, with ones I’ve actually cooked at the top, and the others at the bottom. I’ve got my eye on that Chicken a la Reisling recipe and the Irish Pasties too!

Happy cooking chums, it is one of the pleasures left to us now that singing and dancing in pubs is banned…

I love the Baked Fish Havanaise, it was a regular on the menu when I lived on the houseboat, coincidentally for this post, I also made it the first time Mr R and I went to Mersea Island. Errol’s Roast Leg of Lamb is very good – coffee! I’ve made the Devilled Tomatoes a few times too – these were the days before I knew anything about how to take appetizing photos of food. Look at the state of this!

I’d forgotten about the French Fried Asparagus though. Might have a go at that sometime.

Captain Blood’s Yorkshire Puds ! Count me in … But ‘Irish’ Pasties !? That’s fighting talk where I grew up in North Cornwall ! And I want a can of Franco-American Spaghetti now !!
Hahahaha! Jxx
I too fancy that great traditional Essex girl dish, tinned spaghetti on toast now! Might add a tin of spaghetti to my Ocado order for a TREAT!
I hear you ! And I just read your comfort food blog, winter’s coming and is just the time for such & just a couple of weeks ago I reverted to childhood for a tea time treat and grabbed a can of Beef Ravioli from Sainbury’s to put on toast all covered with cheddar cheese !! Don’t judge !
THAT SOUNDS DELICIOUS. That canned ravioli was one of my all time childhood favourites. Ocado here I come!