Yeehaw and giddy-up! This year’s cowboy day ho-down chez Battenburgbelle was just fabulous! She decided to combine our book group meet up with a Tex-Mex feast and it was so much fun. All the ladies got into the spirit with hats…
Thus confirming my theory that everyone looks good in a cowboy hat! First time ever I have seen Mary in a hat and doesn’t she gussy up well?!
Of course, my god-daughter Ringo looks fabulous in anything…
And here’s the hostess with the most-est rocking her stetson…
Of course, my absolute favourite sporter of a cowboy hat is the divine James Dean!
We had an absolute FEAST to celebrate the International Day of the Cowboy and I’m sure BB will be doing a full report on all the grub. My responsibility was the cornbread. Coo, what a delicious recipe this is. Of course, there is LASHINGS of cheese in it which is probably the secret.
I made double as I was hosting another Tex-Mex affair the next day chez moi. The above is one before going in the oven, and here’s the other when it came out – yum!
Highly recommended!
All the recipes for our hoedown were from this book
and I am so excited that our next book group book will be a Kinky one! I used to be OBSESSED with Kinky Friedman books so this has brought back memories of a puppet head being thrown out of a window, some kind of strange thing being hidden in cat litter and great big hairy steaks. My memories are vague (I had my Kinky readathon over 20 years ago) so I am really looking forward to revisiting. Can’t remember which one BB chose but I think it is this one…
The idea of a “walk in Austin” makes me super happy as I LOVE AUSTIN! The last time I went there I met some tiny John Waynes!
I am definitely going back to Austin sometime in the next couple of years. I just love it there and I miss my chum Caroline something rotten…
So my recipe for the 4th Cowboy Day Cook-along to celebrate the International Day of the Cowboy is from the kitchen of F. Murray Abraham.
Almost a cowboy hat!
I am assuming that F. Murray Abraham is a chum of the Kinkster. I did a bit of googling, and although I was aware that Kinky was big chums with Willie Nelson…
…I didn’t know about the F. Murray Abraham connection. This idea, from the mouth of Kinky himself made me laugh. “The latest idea is to do Roadkill with F. Murray Abraham as Willie and Lionel Richie as me,”
HAHA! I would pay good money to see that!
Here’s to all the cowboys and cowgirls of the world, raising a bottle of Amaretto to y’all!

Also raising a glass in the general direction of Greece to toast the wonderful Greg Swenson of Recipes for Rebels who is the originator and organiser of the annual Cowboy Day Cookalong – YEE HAW GREG! The #CowboyDayCookalong is always mega fun to be a part of.

Here’s the cornbread recipe. It is totes recommended.

Your cornbread looks mouthwateringly delicious! I loved seeing everyone all dressed in hats! I’m a little mystified by the recipe, as most cornbreads I know, combine white flour (wheat) and cornmeal…but the “proof is in the pudding” as they say and yours looks great! I’m gonna try yours sometime. Glad Cowboy Day was enjoyed by all!
Fine collection of hats and that cornbread looks wonderful however controversial the ingredients ! Had forgotten all about Kinky’s cook book, had it once upon a time !
Has your book group ever read the novel of .. ‘True Grit’ . It’s fabulous, get the edition with an intro by Donna Tartt if not., it’s a favourite of hers too and you sure won’t have any problem finding food to go with it !
Oooh, top tip about True Grit Mark! Just before reading your message I decided that I’d be participating in a thing I have just discovered on t’internet called the Dewey 24-hour Reading Marathon. I was wondering what books to have in my stack and there you are suggesting one! Ordered via !
I’m as mystified as Greg as the one time I tried cornmeal-only cornbread for a coeliac friend it fell apart and was a bit of a disaster. Maybe all that cheese holds it together? Yours does look delicious!
Yeah Hazel, there is a LOT of cheese in that cornbread and I am sure that is why it was SO GOOD!