“Dad was a true Westerner, and I take after him.”
I am craving some of Coop’s Buttermilk Griddle Cakes this Sunday morning. I was DJing last night wearing long silk gloves and every time the canape waitress came past I had to take one off to grab a nibble, hence I am ravenous, I gave up in the end…
I will have to live vicariously through Una’s report on her bash at the Griddle Cakes as there is no time this morning to cook up a batch here. Una declared them “quite wonderful” both with, and without syrup. She also observed that they “went amazingly well with bacon” – can you hear my stomach rumbling from where you are?
She writes, “pancakes are almost always great with bacon, but something about this recipe made that relationship extra special. And the cakes seemed to get a little more cornbread-like as they sat in the oven, which just made them get yummier and yummier.” She admits though, these are not for everyday munching, signing off her email saying, “they’re just sitting like rocks in my stomach now though!” Ha ha!