Well howdy doody there Coop! Nice cowboy stance you great big hunk you!
The lovely Will up there in Doncaster made Coop’s Griddle Cakes the day after he tried out Veronica’s Spiced Beef and Peas. The result being that he felt that he was, “as big as a house”! It made me laugh to read that as Will is a tall and slender man, very much a tall drink of water like Coop so I hardly think that is possible. The recipe does make LOADS though, and even when making half you still end up with an immense tower of pancakes. I do love them so though and am contemplating making a batch this weekend so I can tweak the recipe as Will suggests, specifying what kind of thickness the batter should be for correct dropping consistency.
Big news for regular readers is that THE SHOP IS OPEN! Check it out (there is a link in the bar above)! Our lovely chums at Cafe Press have all kinds of goodies featuring the Silver Screen Suppers logo including splendid aprons (there is one hanging up in my kitchen right now), mugs and even doggie t-shirts! We get a tiny commission on anything sold and this will all go towards the Joan Crawford Meatloaf Fund. More of which soon.
Also, could I encourage everyone to sign up to the newsletter (link in the sidebar)? Our first one goes on on July 1st and will feature details of the July Silver Screen Suppers Cookalong and maybe a subscribers only competition. We promise to only send out 1 newsletter a month – we know how the in-box doth filleth up…
That dog t-shirt is worth getting a dog for.
Ha ha – I KNOW! All new babies produced from now on that require gifts will get a bib! Jx