Hello sailor!!! I am loving Ginger tonight because unlike her Butterscotch Date Pudding, the Coffee Parfait is a resounding success. Ginger has gone from having the worst ever Silver Screen Suppers recipe to having one of the best. SCRUMPTIOUS! Oh yum, yum, yum.
Mind you, I had to eat the little bit of Ida Lupino’s Lemon Mousse that was left in the freezer in order to free up room for the Parfait. If anyone thinks I am looking a bit blousy these days, I lay the blame firmly at the feet of Ginger and Ida. Creamy desserts. Mmmmmmm. How can they fail really when they contain a whole tub of whipping cream?
As I sampled the freshly made unfrozen Parfait with a big spoon my taste brain went into overdrive. It really, really reminded me of something. It took me a few more big spoonfuls before I got it. Angel Delight! But much less tangy with chemicals of course.

At last! I have the perfect excuse for why my every attempt to lose weight before the wedding doesn’t seem to do the trick: it’s not my fault, it’s Ida Lupino’s.
Ooh that bloody Ida!