I have lived on my own for around 15 years but I have 3 imaginary friends who keep me constant company.  My best friend is Lieutenant Columbo.  

My most recent bosom buddy is Jessica Fletcher.  

But popping in and out over the years has been the lovely Jim Rockford.  

Columbo and J.B. usually hang out with just me, myself and I.  But Jim usually only comes around when Vic does.

Vic is my ex.  We were a couple for 8 years, and then I did lots of sofa-surfing and a stint on a houseboat for the next few years after we split up.  When I decided to become a grown-up and rent my own place on land, Vic suggested I get a flat in the same block as his.  Soon after that we started hanging out and watching our way through The Rockford Files. There are 123 episodes, plus the pilot, plus 8 TV movies. I think this is going to take us some time…

Usually when we watch The Rockford Files we have a big old bowl of James Garner’s Oklahoma Chili to go with it. This is my absolute all-time favourite chili recipe. It is highly, highly recommended. Recipe follows.

When I told Vic that me and Mr R were going to see an all woman Slade tribute band on Valentine’s night

(who are FABULOUS by the way) his response was, “What I really want to see is an all woman Wombles tribute band.” Haha – I would pay good money for that too!

James Garner’s Oklahoma Chili

3 lbs ground chuck / beef mince

2 medium onions, chopped

2 bell peppers, chopped

2 hot, yellow chili peppers, chopped

2 cans(16 oz each) whole tomatoes, chopped

1/2 teaspoon garlic salt

2 teaspoons salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

4 teaspoons chili powder

2 teaspoons brown sugar

1/2 cup honey

1/4 lb margarine

1 teaspoon liquid hot pepper sauce

Brown meat lightly in a skillet and transfer to a large pot.

Saute onions and peppers in skillet and add them to meat.

Saute tomatoes and add them to meat mixture. Add remaining

ingredients; blend well. Simmer 3 hours in covered pot,

stirring often.

This post is a late entry into the James Garner Blogathon

I will be skipping over to the Realweegiemidget site very soon to read the other entries. Everyone loves James Garner!

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