During the pandemic, with more kitchen hours at my disposal, I began working on my fear of cooking fish. Who knew it was so easy? Well, it’s easy when the recipes are good. Which this one was. So simple, and so delicious.
Jane Alexander has co-written a whole fish cookbook. Wowzer!
This is now in my possession. Watch out! More fish will be cooked.
We don’t get bluefish in the UK as far as I am aware, and I can’t even remember which fish I used, but as Epicurious magazine puts it, “Ignore your recipe (well, mostly) and talk to your fishmonger.” Their article entitled “Fish Swap” lists bluefish amongst these others so take your pick…
Best Options: Amberjack/Yellowtail, Arctic Char, Bluefish, Mackerel, Mahi Mahi, Ocean/Sea Trout, Steelhead Trout, Stripped Bass, Tilefish, Wahoo
Jane’s fish dish was even tastier on day 2. I put one cooked fillet with all the gubbins in my enamel singleton’s friend and heated it up in the oven for about 15 minutes, served with a little side salad and I was well chuffed with myself.
SUPERB. There are many, many fishy dishes to choose from in Jane’s book. Watch this space.
I love Jane Alexander as Hedda Hopper in Malice in Wonderland (1985)
so maybe I’ll have a Friday screening of that sometime soon for Mr R with Hedda Hopper cocktails and one of Jane’s fish dishes!
Oooh, now I’m thinking I could serve some of Liz Taylor’s Haricots Verts alongside the fish. I am HATCHING A MENU! Coming soon to a dinner table near you…
Love Jane Alexander, but not seen ‘Malice In Wonderland’ must seek out. She’s also in ‘Nicklodeon’ Bogdanovich’s tribute to silent film. A flop at the time, but much underated I think . Did not know about her cook book writing. And it’s not a fear of cooking fish I have, just how long the smell hangs around in a galley kitchen !
Oh yes, do try and find it. I haven’t seen Nicklodeon so that will go on the “to watch” list this end. I hear ya on the fishy smells. I’ve heard tell that having a dish of vinegar beside the oven when you cook it helps…