Here’s a lovely test report from my Shellac Sister Lady Jane. She rarely sets foot in the kitchen so this is quite an honour. Thank you, Lady Jane!
So, Trix went to London again today and I decided to test Janet Leigh’s recipe for my lunch.
I’d found Epoisses at the farmer’s market in Rye the other day … very excitLeighing!
We watched ‘Forgotten Lady’ … ooh she’s a selfish one!!
I’d forgotten how much I loved Columbo though. He is brilliant!
Delicious! I’m making this again!
French cheese stall in Rye Market
An exciting find
Going in
Coming out
With a little glass of wine
What happened to sharing?
Haha – the ever hopeful, Tia. When Lady Jane says “we watched Forgotten Lady“, I’m assuming she means that she and Tia watched it as Trix was away? Love it. All dogs like Columbo.