These are weird but I like them.  Alex James from Blur wasn’t keen though as you’ll see from my appearance on Market Kitchen a couple of years ago…

Here’s one just about to go in the oven.  I couldn’t find any small white onions so I used little round shallots.


Here’s one posing with its lid…

rsz_img_0272For the white sauce part I continued my frugality drive and used some of the leftover sauce from Jimmy Stewart’s Fried Chicken Imperial which was goooooooooooooood.  Another successful find in the frozen archives.

This recipe will be in the Cooking With Joan Crawford cookbook and I’m getting excited about the virtual reality dinner party I’m organising.  Some of the invitations went out yesterday and there are already parties planned in New Zealand, the USA and Rio de Janeiro!  Yipeeeeee!  Get in touch via the Contact page if you want to party with us all…


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