It was the 10th anniversary of my book group last night.  10 years of about 6 or 7 books a year multiplied by about 7 or 8 bottles of wine consumed at each book group dinner = probably around 500 bottles of wine.  Ha ha.  Last night was no exception, except that as it was a special occasion, there were 4 husbands and one boyfriend in the mix.  I have NEVER seen Mr R so drunk.

Mind you, we were all very merry…


I’m looking forward to Cathy’s report of the night over at the Battenburg Belle blog and I am really hoping that she posts the recipe for the fabulous fish and rice pie she made that was a bit like a kedgeree Wellington.  Mmmmmm…


All the ladies brought a little dish to the party and mine was some Joan Crawford Danti-Chips.  I love these!  I do always feel a little weird skulking around the meat paste aisles of the supermarket equivocating between Shippam’s Chicken and Ham and Morrison’s own…  In the end this time I went for Princes’ Chicken and Prices’ Beef and made a batch of each.  I had two lovely helpers for the gherkin chopping:


and here are the before oven

rsz_img_0292and here is a post oven picture.  Mmmmm.  They didn’t last long…


Thanks Joan!


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