I am having lots of fun at Camp Nanowrimo and have done a big picture edit on all 52 of my film star entries for the Silver Screen Suppers book already. It really feels like the book is taking shape.
Next step is recipe wrangling. I have the Bible according to Delora Jones by my side at all times:
and I’ve got a list of all the recipes still to test on the blackboard on the back of my kitchen door. I am raring to go. I’m cross checking with the original recipes, confirming all my cups to metric translations are correct and listing the source of each recipe for an appendix. I’m feeling very organised but there is still loads to do.
But of course, I am finding some time for romance too… Mr R came for dinner on Sunday and we took advantage of the lovely weather to have a Mojito in the garden – thank God for the invention that is Lieutenant Blender Mohito Mix. Yowzer!
When I got to work on Monday my ex (who lives in the same building) said he’d seen us on the lawn and he’d been watching us through his telescope. Ha ha. He hasn’t got a telescope by the way…
I made Ottolenghi meatballs with broad beans from the Jerusalem cookbook which quite frankly were probably in the top 3 of most delicious things I have ever made:
followed by Lillian Gish’s Lemon Pie. A kind of lemony mousse on a cream cheese pastry base. Mr R said, “I like it. Not too sickly. Some lemon pie can be a bit ‘phnnaaah’ (I laughed because I knew what he meant), then he added, “anyway yours isn’t like that.” Aw, I was chuffed.
The pie was even nicer next day when I took it to work. Yadrian said how nice it was to have a Gish Dish and Lucy proclaimed it to be “bubbly” and then after a second bite “really bubbly”. Success! Thanks Lillian – your pie is good, especially with a nice cuppa.
I can’t wait for your book!
I have no doubt you’ll be the first person in Baltimore to own a copy!!! Xxx
Oh! This is one of the ones I tried my hand it. It was so good, wasn’t it? I should make that again sometime.
Yes best of luck with the book.
Signed copy for me too!
John xx.
Of course my dear – you are one of my earliest supporters – AND you’ll get your name in the acknowledgements because you test cooked a couple of things for me!
I must have a trawl through my emails to find your report Brenda so I can stick it on the blog. I am SO inefficient! JX
It sounds wonderful except for the raw flour in the crust; shouldn’t the crust part be baked, first?
Thanks – I love your site!
Hi Greg! So pleased that you like my site – it’s a labour of love! You are right about the pie crust. The recipe isn’t clear as in the method, it doesn’t say to bake the crust, but in the ingredients it is listed as “1 baked cream cheese crust”. Like a lot of these vintage recipes, sometimes you have to play things by ear. It’s 10 years since I made this so I’m ASSUMING I baked the crust, but I can’t remember – maybe it is time for a re-do?! x