On the page next to Ginger’s Coffee Parfait was a recipe for prize ham actor Lionel Barrymore’s baked steak. As I was hankering after what my old friend Kinky would call a “big hairy steak” last night I rustled it up and it was mighty fine. A weird idea (chop up onions, carrots, beetroots, RADISHES, celery and mushrooms) and put them all in a dish with the browned steak on top then bake it in the oven. But it was hearty fare on the first snowy day of the British winter and I enjoyed it as I caught up with goings on in the Big Brother House.
I got Ginger’s Parfait out of the freezer – it was indeed inedible as I suspected it would be. However, the plus side is that the house still smells of sugar which I guess is a natural way of freshening the air without ozone damaging chemicals.