I’m very glad that my work colleague James tipped me off to an obituary in yesterday’s Guardian because that led me to check on my recipe spreadsheet to see what I had for Mary Carlisle.

I’d fully intended making Lee Grant’s Mozzarella Marinara for my dinner tonight as I’m going to be writing about this for the Lovely Lee Grant Blogathon soon…

but alas, my mozzarella had gone mental.  It was all puffed up like an over blown-up lilo…

I didn’t want to risk it…

Luckily, I had all the wherewithal to make a tribute omelet for Mary Carlisle.  Well almost, I didn’t have the extra bacon to drape over the top, but as it was a really big omelet for one (I made half of Mary’s recipe) the rashers weren’t missed.  It was delicious.

This photo does not really do the omelet justice…

As I ate it, I was watching a Raquel Welch movie.  I’m working my way through a box set.  This one was a Western and I was very pleased that this film was no different to all the others in one very important respect.  Whatever the role, whatever the location, whatever the era, Raquel will have the biggest bouffe known to mankind, apart from perhaps Marie Antoinette.

This photo does not really do the hairdo justice…

How can a mere mortal have so much hair?  Do you think there are “pieces” in there as I believe extensions used to be called in ye olden days, or is it all hers?

Mary, by contrast, usually had very neat and complexly pin-curled hair.

I think it would be much easier for me to go to a fancy dress party pretending to be Raquel than Mary.

Mind you, if I could get hold of an outfit like this I might give it a go…


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