Mr Rathbone liked these. He thought they tasted like “candied rum” – how poetic! He liked the photo too – saying that the parrot added a “touch of the tropical”. I think that I got the recipe from the Stork Club Bar Book but for speed here it is on the internet…
The Boris Karloff recipe of the month has generated a lot of interest. Boris has fans all around the globe that’s for sure! Just wanted to mention that his Steak And Kidney Pie recipe will feature in the Silver Screen Suppers book and if any fans want more recipes I also have his one for his Breadcrumb and Suet Pudding recipe, his Halibut Royal with Tartare Sauce recipe and one for Parisian Potatoes. The first of the three was kindly sent to me by Stephen Jacobs who wrote the authorised biography of Boris. All of this has reminded me that I must read it!
I really fancy having a go at all three of the other Boris recipes but especially the Breadcrumb and Suet Pudding. I guess that is one for the winter… I’m looking forward to the winter and suet puddings – especially if I can get me a coat like Mary’s…