I am STARVING this morning. I was DJing last night at the Rushes Soho “Best of British Tea Dance” which was so brilliant. The food was all spread out like at a Women’s Institute cake sale and everything was home made and looked beautiful. Home made battenburg cake – yum yum. I did eat lots of scotch eggs, sausage rolls and aforementioned battenburg but have still woken up ravenous.
My mum’s appearance in the video for this month’s “recipe of the month” has sparked lots of wonderful feedback. Yes, my mum IS fantastic. It makes me laugh every time I see the bit where she says she remembers William Powell but of course when she was very, very young! I asked her what she thought of the film and she said, “I did go on a bit” which made me laugh too. Going through my bulging folder of recipe feedback that needs to be blogged I found a report from my ma on Maurice’s soup. There is some excellent clarification on how long to cook the onions so that they are lovely and soft, a reminder to add salt and pepper and a good point about how the soup can be frozen. Fab.
I’m about to enter a 3 day writing retreat which I am really looking forward to. There is much to be done including (insert fanfare here) my first attempt at Groucho Marx’s Matzo Balls. I have no idea why this recipe gives me so much FEAR. Probably because I have never seen a matzo ball, let alone eaten one. But as they say in Pipkins, it’s TIME…..
Good luck with the Matzo Ball’s and the writing – have a great Easter weekend!
Thank you PJ! You too my lovely xx