I had a raging hangover on Saturday morning. On Friday night I stayed up late at Mr R’s place, drinking beer and watching Madness videos. I’d forgotten how good they were. I think we watched this about 13 times…
Cracks me up! Heartily recommended watching, especially for all my readers across the pond who may not know Madness…
Some of their other videos have particular resonance for myself and Mr R. Lots of them are shot in and around Camden where I work, and where Mr R grew up. Part of the Baggy Trousers video was filmed where Mr R went to school, and in the scenes where kids are running amok, he kept shouting, “I went to school with him! There he is! Toby Wild! I’ll just rewind…”
And here is one for my film archivist friends. Whoever did the clearances on this deserves a medal. I spotted several shots from the archive collection I work with, and kept shouting OURS! OURS! OURS! whenever I spotted a bit. I wonder if they paid for world, all media in perpetuity?!
When I got home on Saturday morning I had one of those mighty “hangover-hungers” and was craving eggs. Luckily I had everything I needed for a breakfast of Natalie’s Huevos around the place. YUM!
Found this pic on Pinterest – the caption says: “Natalie Wood cooking aboard the Splendor in 1977, making her famous huevos rancheros.”
She was so gorgeous… and her Huevos Rancheros are GOOD! This recipe (and I think a couple of other Natalie Wood recipes) is in Greg Swenson’s fabulous Recipes For Rebels cookbook…
Natalie Wood’s Huevos Rancheros
4 tortillas
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 clove garlic, mashed
1/2 teaspoon marjoram
1 small serrano or other chile pepper, chopped or 2 teaspoons red chili powder
1 cup fresh tomatoes, peeled and chopped or 1 cup canned tomato sauce
salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
4 eggs
1 tablespoon butter
Fry tortillas quickly in hot oil; drain on paper towel.
Keep oil hot; add garlic, marjoram, chopped chili, tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer tomato mixture for a few minutes until flavors are well blended and sauce has thickened slightly.
Fry eggs in a small amount of butter in separate pan, or poach in the hot tomato sauce.
To serve, place one egg on each tortilla, cover with sauce. Serve at once.
Note: when I make this just for myself, I have one tortilla, two eggs and the WHOLE portion of tomato sauce. Greedy huh?
Nightboat to Cairo is my favourite Madness song 🙂
And I love Huevos Rancheros- must try this version.
Ooh, do Hazel, it’s GOOD! Let me know how they turn out…