Jerry Stiller’s Chicken Soup With Kreplach

Jerry Stiller’s Chicken Soup With Kreplach

One night I said to Mr Rathbone over, and over and over again, "This is the funniest film I ever saw" about The Independent starring Jerry Stiller. The next day I could remember nothing about it.  Zilch.  Nada.  So we resolved to watch it again on "Stiller Saturday",...

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Angela Lansbury’s Kitchen Sink Salad

Angela Lansbury’s Kitchen Sink Salad

Sunday was International Angela Lansbury Appreciation Day and I wanted to show my appreciation not only for the wonderful Dame Angela this week, but also for all the fabulous people who tested recipes for the forthcoming Murder, She Cooked book.   There is no way I...

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Book Launch News!

Book Launch News!

Greetings friends!  The Murder, She Cooked book will be released into the world TWO WEEKS TODAY.  Oh my!  I am sooooooo excited.  I've just realised I haven't shared the cover yet with my lovely blog readers so here you go... Fun eh?  A big thank-you to Joan Ransley...

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Angela Lansbury’s Cottage Pie

Angela Lansbury’s Cottage Pie

The Murder, She Cooked book is almost finished! Publication date is Friday 30th September and I'm hosting a zoom cookalong on Sunday 2nd October at 7pm GMT - everyone is welcome, spread the word!  You can check what time this will be wherever you are in the world here...

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Olivia Newton John’s Salad Nicoise

Olivia Newton John’s Salad Nicoise

I was really sad when I heard that ONJ had headed off to that Hollywood in the sky. A thing that brought me extreme joy in the first pandemic lockdown was dancing with over a hundred other writers to Xanadu at the end of one of the London Writers' Salon's 24 hour...

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Paul Sorvino’s Rigatoni Bolognese

Paul Sorvino’s Rigatoni Bolognese

This is another recipe destined for the Murder, She Cooked book.  Naturally, I was tempted to add some paper-thin slices of garlic, created with the aid of a razor blade, as we see Paul Sorvino's character Paulie do in Goodfellas. But I resisted!  No garlic in Paul's...

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Annie Ross’ Potato Salad

Annie Ross’ Potato Salad

What a lovely, lovely, lovely present to receive in the post. THE HAIR! This gift came from my dear friend Mark Brisenden, from the estate of Mr Pointon.  It is glorious.  Firstly, because there are so many appealing recipes within, and secondly because Annie Ross is...

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Angela Lansbury’s Angie’s Power Loaf

Angela Lansbury’s Angie’s Power Loaf

STOP PRESS!  All of the writing and tweaking and editing for the Murder, She Cooked book is done - yippeee.  I was wandering around with a feeling of great satisfaction and smugness and then FIVE MINUTES AGO I found an Angela Lansbury recipe on the internet I have...

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Peter Falk’s Avocado

Peter Falk’s Avocado

There isn't any cooking going on at Silver Screen Suppers Towers as I have finally succumbed to Covid.  I'm mostly sleeping and knitting with the occasional wobble to the kitchen for a Lemsip.  So perhaps now is a good time for me to tell you about something I've been...

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Pearl Bailey’s Jean’s Broccoli

Pearl Bailey’s Jean’s Broccoli

I love Pearl's way of pimping up broccoli and I am trying to perfect this easy side dish as I eat A LOT of these little green trees.  The version I did today was good, but I think I can double the garlic next time. I'm experimenting with black garlic paste as a little...

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Ethel Lloyd’s Chicken Livers With Curry

Ethel Lloyd’s Chicken Livers With Curry

These were DELICIOUS!  I am under Doctor's Orders to eat liver once a week so am experimenting with various recipes.  This one is from the earliest collection of actors' recipes I know of from 1916. I did a bit of research on Ethel Lloyd, she appeared in 27 films...

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Alan Hale Jn’s Skipper’s Dream Sandwich

Alan Hale Jn’s Skipper’s Dream Sandwich

Here's one for all you Gilligan's Island fans.  I've never seen Gilligan's Island, I don't think it ever screened here in the UK so if anyone has a recommendation of a particular episode for me to seek out - please do let me know.  I like the look of this one... When...

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Stanley Tucci Spaghetti With Lentils

Stanley Tucci Spaghetti With Lentils

When I told Mr Rathbone that Stanley Tucci had written a food memoir he said, "He could write a book about his slippers and they would publish it."  As documented in this blog previously, Mr Rathbone is very understanding about my celebrity crush on Yul Brynner, which...

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Ron Leibman’s Hoo-Ha Chicken

Ron Leibman’s Hoo-Ha Chicken

I love a movie star recipe with a mad title and am generally compelled to make it. So it was with this one. I was surprised that no test cooks chose it for the Murder, She Wrote Cookalong with a name like this, but secretly I was pleased as I got to make Hoo-ha...

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Diana Dors’ Flageolet Beans with Tuna

Diana Dors’ Flageolet Beans with Tuna

Want to sprinkle a little stardust over your working from home luncheons? This is the easiest and tastiest way to do it. I have made this salad so many times because I love EVERYTHING IN IT. Plus it contains two things that you probably stockpiled at the beginning of...

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Fay Wray’s Steamed Artichokes

Fay Wray’s Steamed Artichokes

About once a year I buy an artichoke on impulse, and when I get it home am immediately gripped by fear about how to cook it.  They are scary things if you don't have them about your person very often. But the recipe I have now christened "Fay Wray's Way" is a winner....

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Hope Lange’s Sardine Strips

Hope Lange’s Sardine Strips

I love it when someone with eagle eyes finds some movie star recipes and sends them to me in case I don't already have them. My film archivist chum Margie is brilliant at this, and she sent over some Hope Lange recipes she'd found online.  They had been transcribed...

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Stanley Tucci Negronis

Stanley Tucci Negronis

When I went for dinner chez my chum Cathy (aka Battenburg Belle of Kitchen Confidence) for the first time since the pandemic began, I was thrilled that she was cooking up a marinara sauce to a Stanley Tucci recipe.  I am mildly obsessed with Stanley Tucci and I was...

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Jane Alexander’s Bluefish and Scallions

Jane Alexander’s Bluefish and Scallions

During the pandemic, with more kitchen hours at my disposal, I began working on my fear of cooking fish. Who knew it was so easy?  Well, it's easy when the recipes are good. Which this one was.  So simple, and so delicious. Jane Alexander has co-written a whole fish...

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Denver Pyle’s Baked Beans

Denver Pyle’s Baked Beans

The Jon Pertwee Spaghetti Flan still brings me great joy. Thinking about the fun I had cooking it with my friend Jan of Saucy Seventies Adventures several weeks ago still tickles me and there was a knock-on recipe, if there is such a phrase as a knock-on recipe? ...

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Happy Fourth Birthday Cooking With Columbo

Happy Fourth Birthday Cooking With Columbo

Four years ago today my Columbo cookbook was put out into the world.   Writing this was so much fun and it has brought me huge joy ever since.  The thing that makes me most happy is knowing that people all around the world are cooking from it.  For example, Missy...

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Gene Tierney’s V-8

Gene Tierney’s V-8

Here's a suggestion of a beverage to accompany Gene Tierney's Leaning Tower  of Tuna (aka Tuna Salad Royal).  A refreshing glass of V-8. I stumbled across a V-8 ad featuring Gene whilst writing the previous post and that of course, sent me down a huge research rabbit...

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Joe Santos’ One Hot Italian Night

Joe Santos’ One Hot Italian Night

I do love a recipe with a weird title, and this one was rustled up on One Cold British Night to much acclaim.  I had a DINNER GUEST.  This is such a rare occurrence in pandemic times that I was excited for days beforehand. There is a feeling here in the UK at the...

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Marsha Hunt’s Ham – With Love

Marsha Hunt’s Ham – With Love

Fancy a boozy breakfast?  I can recommend this bonkers recipe. I do so love a recipe with a weird title and Marsha is in Murder, She Wrote so this was a MUST for the forthcoming Murder, She Cooked book. I also love a recipe that is effectively a menu too.  Everything...

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The 1933 Celebrity Cocktail Competition booklet - limited edition facsimile - only 100 copies made. Click on the pic for more information.

Recipes from the kitchen of Angela Lansbury and many of her fabulous co-stars - click on image for more details

Recipes from the kitchen of Peter Falk and many of his fabulous co-stars - click on image for more details

Supper with the Stars: With your host Vincent Price - click on image for more details

Cooking With Joan Crawford - 2023 reissue with extra recipes from Joan's kitchen - click on image for more info

Monthly movie star menus direct to your inbox - just click on the image and enter your email address

Cooking Vincent Price’s Goulash with Nathalie for the British Film Institute

Silver Screen Suppers on Market Kitchen

Silver Screen Suppers Archive

The Stars

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The 1933 Celebrity Cocktail Competition booklet - limited edition facsimile - only 100 copies made. Click on the pic for more information.

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