Shelley Winters’ Caesar Salad

Shelley Winters’ Caesar Salad

I am a sucker for a Caesar and have tried a few movie star versions.  Grace Kelly's was so good it was Recipe of the Month way back in April 2019, Ruth Roman's method calls for coddled eggs and Jessica Walter's garlic oil required a bit of forward planning.  And so it...

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Gloria Stuart’s Huacamale

Gloria Stuart’s Huacamale

Avocado on toast, 1930s style!  This is a brilliant way of using up an avocado that is past its best. Shove it through a sieve then mix some other stuff into it. You can either make it quite runny and use it as a salad dressing or, do as I did, make it a bit thicker...

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Supper with the Stars – the book is out!

Supper with the Stars – the book is out!

The book is out and it is GORGEOUS! We just couldn't be prouder of it.  Peter has done an amazing job with all the film reviews and co-star biographies.  He had a great vision for how the book would look and he's totally made that happen. Ben Wickey's illustrations...

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Dinner and a Movie – Tales From The Crypt

Dinner and a Movie – Tales From The Crypt

When Mr R suggested we watch Tales from the Crypt for our Halloween movie, I went straight to the spreadsheet to see what I had that would be appropriate.  Luckily my pal Greg over at Recipes For Rebels included Joan Collins' recipe for Spaghetti Bolognese in his...

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The Diana Ross Cocktail

The Diana Ross Cocktail

Yinzerella of Dinner Is Served 1972 made a Mahogany Pie for this year's Pieathalon and her blog post included some sensational clips of a movie I'd never seen.  Mahogany starring Diana Ross.  Just one look at these gifs convinced me I had to get hold of it on DVD. I...

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Lauren Bacall’s Beef Stroganoff

Lauren Bacall’s Beef Stroganoff

The news that Melbourne are coming out of lockdown on Friday received a little squeak of excitement here in London. My chum Taryn of Retro Food For Modern Times will be released into the world after 6 lockdowns totalling 262 days since March 2020.  I expect her to go...

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Brigitte Bardot’s Stuffed Artichokes

Brigitte Bardot’s Stuffed Artichokes

Aren't artichokes things of great beauty? Scary to cook though eh?  I love them but I rarely cook them as they are DAUNTING.  If you feel the same way as me, then read on, because this is a great recipe, I'll talk you through the tricky bits, and you'll feel like an...

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Edward Woodward’s Cheese and Potato Pie

Edward Woodward’s Cheese and Potato Pie

HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEN is coming!  That's always a favourite time of year here at Silver Screen Suppers Towers. I haven't decided on the menu yet, but I may well include this as a side dish because I LOVE IT.  Who doesn't love cheesy potatoes? This really is a super...

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Happy Birthday Peter Falk!

Happy Birthday Peter Falk!

For all you Peter Falk fans, I thought I would gather together photos of all of his favourite recipes in one post.  All these recipes are featured in the Cooking With Columbo book.  and I have a few copies here at Silver Screen Suppers Towers in London which I'm happy...

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Vincent Price’s Steak au Poivre

Vincent Price’s Steak au Poivre

Do you ever order groceries online?  Do you ever put loads of delicious looking things in your shopping basket, then have a rethink and think, "I am but one human being, living alone, I must be sensible"? and take lots of them out? Have you ever then totally forgotten...

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Vincent Price’s Manhattan

Vincent Price’s Manhattan

Well, my work on the Vincent Price cookbook is done!  I delivered all the final tweaks to my co-writer Peter Fuller yesterday and as we must celebrate all the wins these days, fashioned myself a little cocktail. This cocktail featured in an advertising campaign for...

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Una Stubbs’ Home-made Muesli​

Una Stubbs’ Home-made Muesli​

I don't think I have ever republished an old post, but I was sad to hear yesterday that Una Stubbs had passed and I remembered this one about her muesli recipe.  First published in 2019.  There are some combinations of words that are nice to say together and for me,...

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Donald Pleasence’s Prawn Curry

Donald Pleasence’s Prawn Curry

I had such fun doing my first ever Instagram Live with my Guild of Film Writers chum Bruce McMichael tonight.  We were talking about the book Nobs and Nosh which contains thoughts from many movie stars about food, and a few recipes. I made one of them, the Donald...

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Cameron Diaz’s Roasted Corn Summer Salad

Cameron Diaz’s Roasted Corn Summer Salad

You know how one thing leads to another?  I went on a stupendous rabbit hole research expedition after writing about Keith Michell's Avocado With Sauerkraut Dressing last week. My googling to find out if avocado and sauerkraut was a "thing" (it is) led me to the...

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Vincent Price’s Herb Bread

Vincent Price’s Herb Bread

I have discovered three big things about myself during the global pandemic. 1) That I love to play drums 2) that the LWS Writers' Hour is an absolutely magical place where creativity and friendships blossom - it's international and free folks! 3) that much joy is to...

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Living My Life Like Marilyn Monroe

Living My Life Like Marilyn Monroe

When I heard that two cookbooks owned by Marilyn Monroe were up for auction (thank-you Di and Amy for the tip-offs) I immediately went down an enormous rabbit hole of research. I was here, there, and everywhere in the Google Machine finding out what time the auction...

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Happy Birthday Vincent Price!  Recipe Testers Unite!

Happy Birthday Vincent Price! Recipe Testers Unite!

It's Vincent Price's birthday today. Let's celebrate with a round up of some of the dishes cooked for the forthcoming Vincent Price cookbook by our wonderful volunteers. My co-writer Peter has published a sneaky peek of the proposed book cover (revealing the NEW...

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Happy 15th Birthday Silver Screen Suppers

Happy 15th Birthday Silver Screen Suppers

It's a big day today.  It's 15 years since I wrote my very first blog post. Oh my! Back in 2016 I was a broken hearted singleton living on a houseboat and I was feeling very sorry for myself. I was rubbish at cooking and so in an attempt to cheer myself up, I made a...

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Vincent Price’s Pimento Rice

Vincent Price’s Pimento Rice

I never cook rice.  If Mr R is around the place and we are having curry or chilli or something else that requires a ricey accompaniment, he is in charge. He is the expert. Just as I am the expert in the scrambled eggs department.  On a Sunday morning that's my job, he...

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Vincent Price’s Cottage Fried Potatoes

Vincent Price’s Cottage Fried Potatoes

Potatoes fried in a large amount of butter are going to be good aren't they?  This is not clickbait to tease you into reading a disaster story about how potatoes fried in a large amount of butter turned out NOT to be good. Because they definitely were good (it is a...

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Ellen Drew’s Ginger Ale Fruit Salad

Ellen Drew’s Ginger Ale Fruit Salad

Any recipe that includes pickle juice piques my pickle interest.  My fridge is FULL of pickle juice and because I love pickles so much, I make a lot of pickles and I eat a lot of pickles. It always seems a waste to chuck away all the delicious spiced vinegar once I've...

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Tessie O’Shea’s Lettuce Sandwiches

Tessie O’Shea’s Lettuce Sandwiches

Ahhh, it's the final recipe from the Tessie O'Shea Slimming Cookbook! In January 2019, I pledged to make one recipe a month from Tessie's book and what with one thing and another, it has taken me until now to do all 12, but it's been loads of fun. Her recipes are...

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Kate Mulgrew’s Pork Tenderloin

Kate Mulgrew’s Pork Tenderloin

It was kind of unfortunate that I'd seen The Tingler (1959) just a few days before making this dish. Because I couldn't stop thinking about THE TINGLER every time I looked at this tenderloin. If you've seen that movie, you'll know what I mean.  If you haven't, I...

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Five Alan Ladd Recipes

Five Alan Ladd Recipes

I love it when readers get in touch and ask for recipes and I am always happy to rummage around in my bookshelves to find them and send them out.  Usually I don't get so much as a "thank-you" in return, but sometimes - hurrah - a lovely correspondence ensues.  I am...

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Ava Gardner’s Fried Fillets of Flounder

Ava Gardner’s Fried Fillets of Flounder

Have you ever seen anyone with a fishing rod look more gorgeous than Ava Gardner? Lest we assume Ava only donned the waders for a set of cheesecake photos, here she is with Gregory Peck "gone fishing". Naturally once I'd stumbled upon these pix, I wondered which other...

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Sophia Loren’s Penne Alla Puttanesca

Sophia Loren’s Penne Alla Puttanesca

When I have some olives and anchovies knocking around the fridge my mind often suggests Spaghetti Puttanesca. I rustled this up just before Christmas and it was deliziosa (or maybe delizioso?). I don't eat much pasta, but when I do I always think, "bloody hell, it's...

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Brett Halsey’s Corn Pie

Brett Halsey’s Corn Pie

Greetings from Tier 3 lockdown in London! I am hunkering down for winter hibernation and planning some concentrated work on the Vincent Price Co*Star Cookbook. I now have a deadline for delivering all the recipes, headnotes and feedback from all the test cooks....

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Pearl Bailey’s Colony Club Liver Supreme

Pearl Bailey’s Colony Club Liver Supreme

I keep cooking liver to Pearl's specifications as her recipe is so easy, and so delicious, but I never seem to get around to telling you lot about it. Well, I found this post in my drafts folder, written at a time when I was I was a bit moody during the first pandemic...

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The 1933 Celebrity Cocktail Competition booklet - limited edition facsimile - only 100 copies made. Click on the pic for more information.

Recipes from the kitchen of Angela Lansbury and many of her fabulous co-stars - click on image for more details

Recipes from the kitchen of Peter Falk and many of his fabulous co-stars - click on image for more details

Supper with the Stars: With your host Vincent Price - click on image for more details

Cooking With Joan Crawford - 2023 reissue with extra recipes from Joan's kitchen - click on image for more info

Monthly movie star menus direct to your inbox - just click on the image and enter your email address

Cooking Vincent Price’s Goulash with Nathalie for the British Film Institute

Silver Screen Suppers on Market Kitchen

Silver Screen Suppers Archive

The Stars

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The 1933 Celebrity Cocktail Competition booklet - limited edition facsimile - only 100 copies made. Click on the pic for more information.

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