For the third Hammer-Amicus Blogathon I thought it would be fun to give everyone a sneaky peak of some of the forthcoming Vincent Price cookbook.

In 2018 my co-writer Peter and I collaborated on a piece about Scream and Scream Again  for Gill and Barry’s first Hammer-Amicus Blogathon and this has now morphed into an entry in our forthcoming book. I’m soooooo excited.  Check out the splendour!

As Peter is the expert on Vincent Price films, he has written engaging reviews of 52 movies, and yours truly has written about the recipes.  I’ve chosen one of Vincent’s and one for a relevant co-star to accompany each film.  We’ve had testers all around the world cooking up the dishes and their verdicts are included in the book.  I will get my first glimpse of the finished article at our launch party in London on Monday and I am SO EXCITED.  There may still be tickets available…

There are only 250 copies of this collectors’ edition so if you are a fan of the wonderful Vincent, snap one up!  Here are all the links-links…

If you are based in North America, you have until 31 October to pre-order at:

If you are in the UK, you can pre-order at:
If you are based in Europe, you can pre-order at:
If you are based in Australia, please send an email with your request to:
Those in the US who also would like to pre-order after the 31 October deadline can also email Peter with your request here –
Last but not least, I am running a Vincent Price Cucumber Crocodile competition and the prizes are BRILLIANT!
All you have to do is send me a photo of your crocodile creations by 1st November.  Entries will be judged by Victoria Price.  Skip over here for Vincent’s “recipe”.  SURELY you want one of these for your Halloween dinner table?!
If you are in an Amicus kind of mood why not watch Scream and Scream Again this alongside?
Peter Cushing’s Beetroot and Onion Supper Special

4-6 medium beetroots, cooked

2 sticks celery, scrubbed

2 large onions, roughly chopped or 8-10 pickling onions, whole

2 large potatoes, pre-boiled for 10 minutes

Sunflower oil

Freshly ground black pepper

Dice the beetroot and finely slice the celery. In a large pan sauté the onion until just turning brown. Add the beetroot and celery. Turn down the heat and cook for 2 minutes. Chop the potatoes into chunks and add to the pan. Season with pepper. Cover and cook on a very low heat until the potato is tender, stirring every few minutes to prevent sticking.

Happy Spooktober everyone – hope to see some of you at the book launch party and/or at the Abertoir International Horror Festival of Wales, early November xx

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