Folks, this is my 999th blog post.  I am not kidding.  The next post you will see from me is my 1,000th so expect something special!  I’ll be cooking something very, very strange indeed.

Until then, here’s something simple.  The way Peter liked his avocados.

Sprinkled with lime or lemon juice (I used lime), with freshly ground pepper (or a few sprinkles of white pepper – will try that next time) and a few tablespoons of bottled French dressing or vinaigrette sauce.

I made some vinaigrette to Peter’s specifications.  This is for half the quantity Peter detailed, as it was just me, myself and I.  I shook it all up in a jam jar and there’s lots left over for future salads..

2 tablespoons salad oil, 2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice, 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard, salt and pepper to taste.


What could be nicer?  Unless you don’t like avocados of course!

In other news, the other day I crept up on my tupperware, and Kondo-d the heck out of it.  No more cavalcade of plastic lids falling out of the cupboard every time I open the door to get something else.  Instead of a mess of bottoms and tops, which slid around the shelf like EELS whenever I tried to find two bits that matched, they are all complete items.  Behold!


Much future time saved, much less sweary words emitting from Mr R when approaching the tupperware shelf.  Thank you Marie Kondo and thank you Mr Falk, for reminding me how much I like avocado vinaigrette, which in the early 80s I considered to be a VERY grown up starter to order in a restaurant.



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