I’ve had a couple of these for breakfasts during Jane Fonda month so far…
I know that Jane loves a smoothie, and her brother’s version has had to stand in for the one she demonstrates in her video about breakfasts, as I did not have any PROTEIN POWDER around the place…
But I do now! So watch this space!
As well as cooking lots of things from Jane’s cookbook, and doing the Jane Fonda Workout, I’ve also been catching up on what Jane is doing right now. She has a really great blog – www.janefonda.com and I’m finding it fascinating to see:
- how truly fabulous she still looks
- how INTERESTED she is in everything (art, politics, food – not just the movies)
For example, a post she put up aouple of days ago shows her at the Venice Film Festival where she won the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement. Bravo Jane!
Just gorgeous! If this is what eating healthily and going for the burn does for you, I am IN.
By the way, I let the side down after my Peter Fonda Blender Breakfast yesterday by having this for lunch. Goddamit! Where is my willpower?!
Back on the plan today though…
Here’s Peter’s original recipe…
Now I’ve made this a few times, I’ve modified Peter’s a bit, so here’s my version which I have christened The Easy Rider Smoothie – cool huh?
The Easy Rider Smoothie
1 banana
1 raw egg
1/2 cup almond milk
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon spirulina (please note, teaspoon, not tablespoon – not sure what sea protein tastes like, but a tablespoon sounds a lot)
1 teaspoon cacao powder
1/2 tablespoon chia seeds
1/4 – 1/2 cup blueberries (smudge on the original newspaper makes it difficult to know Peter’s recommendation)
Whizz it up in a blender.
Even that totally festive glass couldn’t get me to drink something that grey…was Peter color blind? Lunch on the other hand, looks amazing!
Ha ha! I think you should try it Greg. TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM! JX