THRILLED to be mentioned on my favourite blog of all time Caker Cooking this week. Such an honour that Brian chose to throw caution to the wind and have a go one of the Richard O’Sullivan recipes I left out when I attempted his 7 Day Survival Course. I sent Brian this recipe before most of us here in the UK even suspected there were gee gees in lasagne so it’s kind of perfect timing. Don’t fret my fellow equifiles, there is no horse in it, just horseradish.
There has been much going on in the Silver Screen Suppers world lately, mostly involving good old fashioned courtship. Spring has sprung and everyone is getting very frisky. I’m happy to report that I have managed to break my habit of half a lifetime and go out on a few dates with a man who is neither a DJ nor works in a record shop. I was mulling it all over at a Valentine’s Day singles night as I was chatted up by one bloke who makes his living selling records on ebay, and another who runs a record shop in Camden. And that is all, not a single man with a non music related pastime spoke to me, apart from the gay guy who was there to sing us some songs. I realised that the only men I’ve been even slightly romantically entangled with over the last four years go like this – DJ, record shop guy, DJ.
Who am I? Zoe Ball?
Thanks Brian for making me laugh every single time I look at Caker Cooking – and dear reader, if you’ve never popped over to visit, do so soon, if only to appreciate the fact that not everyone has the opportunity to buy prawn cocktail crisps whenever they fancy some. Or indeed to marvel at the beautiful simplicity of recipes that contain just three ingredients, one of which is a can of 7-Up.
I had a great laugh reading your post, thanks for the giggle. I shall now go and read your other posts, it’s my first time here.
Hi Nazneen – how lovely to “virtually” meet you. Glad I gave you a giggle. I LOVE the internet, I have had so much fun since I started blogging and meeting so many wonderful people through it. Just popped over to your blog which is fab. Adding it to my Blog Lovin’ feed so I see we have a mutual friend in Glamorous Glutton – her photos make me drool! Happy Sunday!
Why is it we pretend to ourselves that we don’t have a type?! So what does the new man do – for a job? To be honest I’m not that bothered about the Gee Gees in the food, more concerned about what else could be in there! GG
Ha ha – it is SO TRUE. The new prospect is an artist. Oh, la di da! You are right about types. I almost always go for men who have art in their soul in one way or another: musicians, songwriters, photographers, film-makers, writers… But if you put them all in a line-up you would be hard pressed to see any physical similarities! Also, it would be a very long line-up…