My lovely friend Gary C is coming to stay for a couple of nights next week so I have made a batch of Rudi’s spaghetti sauce for us to have one night for dinner. I couldn’t get the Italian sausage I usually get for this dish so bought Sicilian sausage instead. I hope that won’t make Rudi turn in his grave…

There is a big weekend ahead. I’ve been preparing for a big gig tomorrow night, I am DJing solo – without my sisters – at a big house party in Islington. It’s a blitz themed party so I’m going with two gramophones, two boxes of 1940s records and my new gorgeous red and gold guitar amp. I don’t have enough shellac from the actual blitz period (strictly speaking 1940 and 1941) so I’ll be treating the rug cutters to some futuristic sounds right up to 1949. I’m being paid in champagne and canapes – have they any idea how much fizz I can put away during a set?!

Then on Sunday night I am going on a DATE. Yes, another one, but this time with somebody brand new. A friend of Ava’s who my desk mate thinks looks like George Clooney… Intriguing.

By the way, quick update on the moth box situation – moths in the bedroom moth motel – zero (good) – in the lounge moth motel NINETEEN! The swarm continues…

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