What a lovely lunch on Sunday. Jeanne was here from Atlanta – we had never met before but have corresponded about many Silver Screen Suppers recipes. She makes me laugh like a drain with her emails and pictures of things like Gene Kelly’s Greatest Man Sandwich in the World with a big bite taken out of it! It was so lovely to meet her in person.
Her hosts from the Cinema Museum Tully and Victor came too – all rugged up in double jackets and furry hats because it is the coldest November on record here in London town – today we have SNOW. Completing the merry throng was the lovely Edmund. We scoffed and boozed and listened to some 78s. Victor made me laugh out loud when we were discussing the fact that I was rather partial to 1930s and 40s British Dance Bands doing Hawaiian style numbers. He pulled a face and when Tully requested Felix Mendelssoh’s Hawaiian Serenaders I only had to play a few bars of it for him to say, “That is EXACTLY the sound I don’t like” – ha ha.
I’ve been having some fun with the man I met at the singles night last week. He’s quite a remarkable fellow…