Just before Easter, the lovely Matthew Coniam tipped me off to the fact that there was a copy of Sophia Loren’s Eat With Me cookbook on ebay for a reasonable price.  I was on it like a car bonnet.

I scored it for £6.99 – the only other copy on there at the moment is £69.55 so I am very pleased with myself.  It’s a lovely little book, packed with great recipes.  Sophia really does know how to cook.

Heather and Nathan came to dinner last night, and I fancied making something by Sophia for the “snack platter.”  I had little mini crostini in my Ocado order.  Hence Sophia’s Roquefort Cream was spread on those lovely little crunchy snacks and they were wolfed down.


I made half of Sophia’s recipe which was basically the following whisked up in a mini blender: 4.5 oz Roquefort, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 1 clove garlic, juice of 1/4 an onion*, pinch of paprika and 1/2 teaspoon finely chopped celery**.

* life is too short to juice an onion so I used some onion salt mixed with water.

** Mr R is celery averse so I omitted this.

It was VERY blue cheesey…


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