Ooh, these were a revelation! Really, really good!
I’ve never had blintzes before but I liked these very much. When I told Mr R what I was planning for breakfast he did his best John Lennon impression saying: “put them over there, not near the food”. This was apparently what John said when presented with some mange tout.
Fish and chips were OK though…
Susan’s recipe can be found in my chum Greg’s brilliant book Recipe For Rebels and on his website here, and what’s more, he’s made a fab video showing how to make them…
Highly recommended! Will these replace Natalie Wood’s Huevos Rancheros as the default spinster Saturday breakfast? No! But, I’m planning on trying ALL the breakfast recipes in Greg’s book just in case there’s anything that can top them. Ooooh, Eli Wallach’s Eggs Birmingham is calling to me right now, even though I am full of blintzes. Bacon, wheat bread and eggs. YES!