Another first for January, Key Lime Pie.  Much discussion about the name of this pie with Mr R, the Key relates to the Florida keys right?  Aha, I see from Wikipedia that I am indeed right!  But more than that, Key limes are a particular type of lime that are “naturalized throughout the Florida keys”.


In 1965, Florida State Representative Bernie Papy, Jr., introduced legislation calling for a $100 fine to be levied against anyone advertising Key lime pie not made with Key limes. Luckily for me, the bill failed.  Because there ain’t no Key limes in London, as far as I know…


Image from the Carlsson YouTube channel…

I once went to the Florida Keys on a little road trip, many moons ago, with my lovely chum Caroline Frick from the Texas Archive of the Moving Image.  We were at an Association of Moving Image Archivists conference in Miami – those were the days!  I would like to retire to Miami.  Nobody blinks an eye, whatever you are wearing…


Anyhow, Tyne’s recipe was good, and the pie was good.  We had this for pudding after the trio of shepherd’s pies at Battenburg Belle‘s birthday bash, because I know she likes Key Lime Pie.  She told me so.


Angus and Clive made a lovely vegan pudding, which was an amazing colour.  I was pretty smashed by the pudding stage, but I THINK this had avocado in it…


It was delicious.  I had a piece of each – greedy!


I can’t put Tyne’s recipe here on the blog for copyright reasons.  It’s in the Cop Cookbook:


I LOVE TYNE DALY!  If you’d like Tyne’s recipe, just drop me a line via my contact page and I’ll send it over.

As her character Dolores might have said in Columbo, “why thank you,” for a fab Key Lime Pie recipe Tyne!


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