I am so proud of my lamb cake I had to share it, even though it is not a film star recipe. What do you think?
When I first put his googly eyes on he looked a bit worried…
But not as worried as when we sliced his bum off…
I have to say a big thank-you to my cyberchum Ruth at Mid Century Menu for introducing me to lamb cake madness. Everything you need to know about making one is right here… I followed Ruth’s instructions to the letter and my cake was bloody perfect.
He brought a lot of joy to the lovely Good Friday luncheon hosted by Mr Rathbone’s sister and her husband. Julia laughed like a drain when she first saw him…
Roll on next Easter!
He’s very adorable. I’ve seen many a lamb cake in old recipe books but I’ve never made one and no one in my family ever makes one either! The usual Easter cakes for us are carrot or coconut. My dad always does the cake baking and decorating because he’s awesome at it. I’m really terrible at cake decoration–something always goes wrong…
I think everyone should make a lamb cake once in their life Lauren! Surprise your family with one next year… It was worth it for the look on the faces of my lunch buddies when they saw what I had made them. I had so much fun making that little fella.
Jenny – you do make me laugh. Love the bottom-less lamb with googly eyes.
I was laughing like a loony myself when I stuck his eyes on!
I need to borrow the cake tin for next year – he looks awesome and even a 15 year old, as she will be by then, has to love this!!
If anyone doesn’t like a lambie cake then I don’t know what’s wrong with them! You should definitely make one of these next year for Missy B. Like pass the parcel she will probably pretend that she doesn’t want one but secretly she’ll be dying to find one on the table over Easter at some point. The cake tin is always at your disposal x