The lovely Peter Fuller has a fabulous new Vincent Price website and he asked me to write something about the glorious TV show that is Cooking Price-Wise, the series that my food hero presented on British TV in the 1970s.


It was a really fun article to write, and for it, I cooked one of the maddest Vincent Price dishes I know, Fish Fillets Noord Zee.  It’s a representation of the sea walls of Holland using mashed potato – oh yes!

Fish Fillets Noord Zee

So, for the recipe and a pretty in-depth look at episode one of Cooking Price-Wise, please skip over to Peter’s website using this link.

Vincent Price Legacy UK – Cooking Price-Wise – Vincent’s Fish Fillets Noord Zee

When I have time, I’m going to cook something from episode 2.  The recipes prepared by Vincent on show two were Dolmades, Moroccan Tagine and Cafe Napoleon.  Mmmmm!  I like the look of the Moroccan Tagine…

Moroccan Tagine

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