The Strolling Supper Club was a resounding success and made a whopping £850 for Alice’s Youth Music Memorial Fund. We were so pleased with how it all went. Davie took a nice pic of me preparing everything in my kitchen, he’s managed to make it look MASSIVE!
Here are folks gathered in my garden having Vincent Price Pink Tonics and canapés.
I made 2 types of Toad in the Hole (one veggie, one meaty), a big batch of Cheese Knots, and some cute tomato, mozzerella ball and basil canapés. The first two were from Mary and Vincent Price’s Treasury,
the last from Angel Adoree’s gorgeous Vintage Tea Party book…
It took me just about all day to make the Toad in the Holes and Knots, and I’m going to make some notes below about quantities, mostly because I’ll be making another big batch of these for one of the Vincent Price events happening in London in November (click here for details).
Davie serenaded us with some of his Seven Songs and that was very lovely indeed… I think some of my neighbours enjoyed it too…
So here’s the recipe for Mary and Vincent’s Cheese Knots. This amount of dough would have made around 120 Cheese Knots (!) but I used 3/4 of the dough and popped the rest in the freezer. There were 90 cheese knots and there were only 4 left so that was a good call. All of the Toads and the mozzarella canapés were scoffed. I didn’t count up the mozzarella canapés, but for Toads I made 48 meaty ones and 24 veggie ones (this was with 2 x the batter recipe). There was probably enough batter left for another 24 or so, thus the recipe here, would make around 50 VERY mini Toads (I used Cathy’s mini muffin tins which are even smaller than mine).
I think there were around 35 people (some more joined us at Cathy’s place) so this is a pretty good guideline for quantities.
Mary and Vincent Price’s Cheese Knots – from the Rich Biscuits recipe in The Treasury of Great Recipes
In a large mixing bowl combine: 8 cups of all-purpose flour, 3 tablespoons double-acting baking powder and 1 tablespoon salt.
With pastry blender, cut in 2 cups shortening until shortening is cut into small particles.
Add 3 cups milk and stir with a two-tined fork until all the dough holds together. Gather dough in to a ball and cut into 4 equal portions. Knead each portion on a lightly floured board, about 15 kneading strokes.
Roll out 1/4 of the dough into a rectangle 1/4 inch thick and sprinkle with 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese. Fold rectangle in half and roll out again 1/4 inch thick and about 6 inches wide. Cut crosswise into 1/2 inch strips. Tie each strip into a loose knot and place 1 inch apart on a baking sheet. Sprinkle lightly with cayenne pepper and bake in a preheated 425 degrees F oven [220 degrees C / 200 degrees C for a fan oven / gas mark 7] for 10 minutes. Cool, wrap and freeze. Marvellous to serve with soups or salads.
After the cocktails and canapes we strolled around to Battenberg Belle’s place and I will link in to her blog post about the rest of the evening when it is up. She surprised us all by singing a song with Davie…
We had a lovely time, so many gorgeous old friends and new at the supper club and we were very pleased to have raised such a lovely amount for a very worthy cause.
Thanks Vincent!
Sounds like you had a wonderful evening and raised a large amount for a wonderful cause. Bravo!
Ah thanks, yes, it was a fab night x
Thanks so much Jenny for your part in making it such a successful and fun evening!
Finally written my post now
It really was such a fabulous “do” – when shall we do another?!