Well, it’s almost Friday folks! Mr R volunteered to test cook this recipe for the forthcoming Vincent Price Co*Star Cookbook. BUT, we both got so drunk on Gertrude Niesen Buzz-Bombs

that I ended up doing it instead. There is something very satisfying about lifting the skin off a chicken and using a teaspoon to insert bread stuffing into the space when you are SMASHED on cocktails!

This really is a brilliant recipe. The stuffing seems to keep the breast meat really moist and delicious. We did have a good quality cornfed chicken which always adds to the fabulousness of a roast chicken.

Winner winner Friday night chicken dinner!

In A Treasury of Great Recipes Vincent explains that this is a dish that his wife Mary liked to make on a Friday so that they could have the chicken cold over the weekend. Well, when Mr R walked back over the hill to Hampstead he took half the leftovers with him and made some egg fried rice with chicken for his tea. I used my half, stuffing and all, in another batch of divine Vincent Price Cannelloni Alla Passata. COR! (It seems I have never got around to blogging about this excellent recipe so will have to rectify that!)

So this is an EXCELLENT chicken recipe to cook on a Friday, but really, you can make it any day of the week.

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