Have you ever had haggis on a pizza?  I did on Burns Night and it was DELICIOUS!  It was my chum Nathan who came up with this idea and he guided me through the process at a pizza extravaganza for 6 at Silver Screen Suppers Towers on Burns’s birthday.

Whisky sauce made to this recipe, haggis, cheddar cheese and parsley.  Really, really good.


I’m going to write more about the other pizzas I made in the next post as I made one to Sophia Loren’s recipe too.  But Vincent’s was naturally a hit with all my chums, and it went like this…

Pizza dough brushed with olive oil, tomato sauce (I made a massive batch in my slow cooker to this recipe and it was really, really good pizza sauce), thinly sliced salami cut into julienne strips, mozzarella.


Thanks Vincent, this may sound weird but it never crossed my mind to put salami on a pizza… 


I am slightly cross with myself this evening for yet again leaving something to the last minute.  Yinzerella from  Dinner is Served 1972 tipped me off ages ago that the McRib was coming to London.  I’ve been planning to try one as she RAVES about them and would you believe it, TODAY was the last day I could get me one.  I was already almost at Muswell Hill Broadway when I found out it was almost over, and their aint no golden arches where I live.  Grrrrrrrrrr!  I even took a photo of this on the side of a bus stop in Archway a couple of weeks ago, I was so excited…   I will get me one IMMEDIATELY they return to the smoke.  I’m guessing I’ll have to wait 11 months…


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