Last Sunday I gave what I have decided was my BEST EVER DINNER PARTY.  Heather and Nathan, Ptolemy and Keith came over for a Mexican extravaganza.  Oh my.  What a delicious combination of Mexican inspired loveliness. 

Ptolemy wore a suitably Mexican flouncy frock and made the Vincent Price Guacamole for me as I’d bitten off a bit more than I could chew with my complicated menu…  Here she is hard at work with my brand new MAGIMIX in the background. 


Oh how I love that thing…  And it matches my kitchen record player too!  It’s the first food processor I have ever owned.  Until now, any recipe that mentioned a food processor has been beyond me.  But now I am invincible.

It came in very handy for the Mexican extravaganza.  For example, the Sweetheart Beans from:


would not have been possible without my Magimix…

FullSizeRender(8)They were DELICIOUS.

I bought this cookbook immediately after reading this review of it on Eatdrinkfilms.  I just had to have it.  It seemed only fitting that when planning a menu from this book, that I mix it up with some recipes from Mary and Vincent’s Treasury of Great Recipes, because they are about the same size… MASSIVE…


I forgot to take a photo of Ptolemy’s guac, so here’s some I made earlier…


And here is the Guacamole recipe – which you could, of course, make for the Treasury Cookalong!  Two weeks left to cook!

Mary and Vincent Price’s Guacamole from A Treasury of Great Recipes (1965)

2 avocado pears
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 small onion, chopped fine
1 small green chili, chopped fine
⅛ tsp ground coriander
½ clove garlic, minced
Salt to taste
3 tbs mayonnaise
Chopped, seeded and peeled tomato
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

Dash of cayenne or Tabasco

Peel and seed the avocados.  Save the seeds.  Mash avocados with a fork. Add all other ingredients.  Leave the avocado seeds in mixture until ready to serve, and they will prevent discoloration.  If you like a very smooth guacamole, remove the seeds and put mixture into blender container and blend on high speed for about 8 seconds before you are ready to serve it.


Serve in a small bowl – Mexican if you have one – with crackers or corn chips or raw vegetables.


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