OK, so there were no noodles. I am English and the idea of having a chicken leg with noodles just seems odd, so I had it with Savoy cabbage instead. Yum yum. As Vincent observed, “The real secret of this recipe’s excellence is the red wine added for the last bit of cooking. That’s the master touch.” But it wasn’t really a master touch to drink the WHOLE of the rest of the bottle that was left. I must stop doing that…
As well as the end of the Vincentennial, this week also marks two years living alone in the Palace of Solitude. I have drawn up the annual manifesto and most things are pretty similar to last year’s manifesto. Only this time there is something brand new in there. About a man…
Something else that is new is a pledge to start the Silver Screen Suppers Club this year. I have been thinking about this for a very long time. Things seem to have stalled with the pitching of the book to publishers, so I’m going to have to seek out a different way of getting the recipes out there. I’m going to start writing about what I am doing to work towards this here in the blog. All feedback on the idea will be gratefully received. The main element of the club will be collectable recipe cards sent out by the old fashioned postal system. Inspired mostly by the Modern Hostess recipe cards that were sent out in the 1930s:
I absolutely LOVE getting things in the post, increasingly there is nothing but bills and computer generated print-outs from the hospital. I’m interested in getting REAL letters! From human beings! I recently signed up to this: Letters in the Mail and I absolutely love it when I open my front door and there is a long envelope with an American stamp on it. So, I’m thinking people might enjoy finding a pretty recipe card on their door mat once a fortnight…