Want to hear the most exciting news EVER? There is going to be a 50th Anniversary Edition of Mary and Vincent Price’s “A Treasury of Great Recipes”. Pass me the smelling salts!
Yinzerella over at Dinner is Served alerted me to this, and sent me over me to a fabulous new website called Cooking With Vincent that’s been created by Vincent and Mary’s daughter Victoria. It is FABULOUS!
You can read about the new version of the Treasury on the home page, and there is lots to explore relating to Vincent’s love of cooking and fine dining. I’m going to sit myself down with a Vincent Price Bloody Mary sometime soon…
and have a good old explore.
I was thrilled to see that the film I made with Nathalie demonstrating how to make a Vincent Price Goulash is included as a resource. That was so much fun to make. Viva Vincent! This gives you an idea of the size and splendour of the Treasury! I wonder if the new edition will have a lovely squishy cover too?
Phew, I’d better calm down… On Thursday Mr R and I had a little jaunt to the Cotswolds to spend a couple of days with the divine Lucy and Greg. A Vincent Price Quiche Lorraine was requested so I got up early to make one before we jumped on the train.
I made half amount of filling in Vincent’s recipe as I had a little post-it note in the Treasury saying that this is what I’d done the previous time. Although, I later realised that the reason I made half the filling last time was because I was making a smaller, 7 inch quiche as specified by the Muswell Hill Horticultural Society. They are VERY strict about the size of the pie tin at the MHHSoc. You get disqualified if you use a bigger pie tin.
Did I mention that I won FIRST PRIZE in the Quiche category with Vincent’s recipe at the Spring show?!
For Thursday’s version I didn’t have time to make my own pastry so used good ol’ Jus-Rol ready made shortcrust and it was the perfect amount for my big pie pan. I used:
160g Morrisons Smoked Dry Cured British Bacon Lardons (standard sized packet)
160g Gruyere (a 200g chunk with the rind cut off and a little slice eaten “to test”)
240ml cream (about a ¼ of a large pot)
4 egg yolks (medium sized eggs)
1/8 tsp of mustard powder
15 twists of pepper from Mr R’s ubergrinder
5 twists of salt from Mr R’s ubergrinder
I baked baked the pastry blind at 425 F / 220 C / Gas 7 for 8 mins, then popped in the filling and reduced the temperature to 350 F / 175 C / Gas 4 for 45 mins.
It was so lovely arriving in Woodstock to find lots of lovely accompaniments for the quiche all laid out on a table in the garden. It was so nice to be out of London with our chums just bumming around, eating lovely food, talking rubbish and drinking great ales and ciders. Summer is here – yippee!
I think next time, if I use the big pie plate, I’ll do 3/4 the amount of cream and egg yolk mix but the same amount of bacon and cheese.
However you make it though, Vincent’s Quiche is fab. I think it is just brilliant that there will be a new version of the Treasury, there is going to be Vincent fever in kitchens everywhere around the world when it comes out I’ll bet. I cannot WAIT.