This Sunday folks! It’s going to be an absolute hoot. Hosted by Vincent’s daughter Victoria and my chum Peter Fuller of the Vincent Price Legacy UK website, it’s only $5 to join and Vincent fans all around the world will be wining and dining together via the magic of Zoom!

If you fancy joining and need a recipe, here’s a list of all the ones still up for grabs for the cookbook Peter and I are working on – or if you can’t get to the shops for ingredients and are desperate for something easy, just get in touch via the comments letting me know roughly what you have around the place and I’ll try and send you something appropriate.

Vincent Price’s Flan
Vincent Price’s Roast Beef
Vincent Price’s Pimento Rice
Vincent Price’s Chicken Livers en Brochettes
Vincent Price’s Cornmeal Muffins
Vincent Price’s Scandinavian Fruit Soup
Vincent Price’s Tagliatele Verdi Gratinate al Prosciutto
Vincent Price’s Cold Sliced Forehock
Vincent Price’s Lasagne Verdi Alla Bolongnese
Vincent Price’s Iced Lemon Souffle
Vincent Price’s Pepitas
Vincent Price’s French Toast Santa Fe
Vincent Price’s Steamed Apple Pudding
Vincent Price’s Broiled Trout with Cucumber Salad
Vincent Price’s Pommes De Terre Savoyarde
Vincent Price’s Haricots Verts À La Lyonnaise
Vincent Price’s Hotchpotch of Curly Kale
Vincent Price’s Noisettes Des Tournelles (Fillets of Lamb with Onion Sauce)
Vincent Price’s Crostata Di Mele (Apple Tart)
Vincent Price’s Champagne Lemon Ice
Vincent Price’s Cabbage In Sour Cream
Vincent Price’s Baked Ham in a Common Crust
Vincent Price’s Besugo a la Vizcaína (Sea Bream Biscay Style)
Vincent Price’s Fegato Alla Veneziana (Calf’s Liver with Onions and White Wine)
Vincent Price’s Tipsy Italian Pudding
Vincent Price’s Cream Cheese Hearts
Vincent Price’s Café Brûlot Diabolique
Vincent Price’s Toad in the Hole
The last on this list will be the recipe of the month for May – that’s coming soon – so if you can’t join in on Sunday, get some sausages in so you are ready!

Here are the details for joining on on Sunday…
Join Vincent Price expert Peter Fuller and me for our next Virtual Vincent Price event — A VIRTUAL VINCENT DINNER. It’s Sunday May 3, 2020 at Noon Pacific/3PM Eastern/8PM GMT/UK: We will doing Vincent’s favorite thing — wining and dining together. If you cook, please make a recipe from one of my parents’ cookery books to eat while we dine together. If you don’t cook, here are a few more options: Make a Vincent Price-themed cocktail or mocktail to share with our group. And if neither of those appeal, here are three more options: Dress up for the occasion in something that honors Vincent. Provide music or art to entertain us. OR try your hand at one of the ridiculous napkin folding instructions my mother created in the back of A Treasury of Great Recipes. . .The most important thing is just come eat with us and enjoy these rare and wonderful Vincent Price clips you won’t see anywhere else.Literally. Only Peter has this clip from Cooking Price-Wise, the 1970s British TV show. SIGN UP HERE:VIRTUAL VINCENT DINNER SPACE IS LIMITED, SO SIGN UP SOON!! |
See you at the dinner party – cheers!

And if you can’t make Sunday, please do join in with the test cooking, the more the merrier and there are Co*Star recipes available too. Here’s the sign-up page link – just click on The Vincent Price Co*Star Cookbook phrase below.
I’m there ! Booked a virtual table for one. E-mailed Mr P also . But not sure his tech skills will be able to cope ! I’ll be cooking the chili – some surprise ! Why don’t you re-tweet ‘Goulash’ vid and Mosoho show again ! ‘See you’ both later . If only I could get some Roma wine !!!
It was SO FAB to see you on the zoom call Mark, wasn’t it great?! Loved your Roma wine mock-up. Good point about the Goulash and Mosoho show. There’s a blog post about our fabulous lunch at your place in draft mode so I shall get that up soon. Jx