Hmmm – I overcooked some of these…  I made them for Ben and Polly’s wedding which was one of the loveliest weddings I’ve ever been too.  Ooooooooo there was a lot of love there!

I had some of the mixture and pastry left over so I made a few for me and Jane to eat on our trip out of London.  We had a weekend at the amazing Denman College entertaining the good ladies of the Women’s Institute.  As half of The Shellac Sisters we have done a LOT of gigs over the last five years or so.  But I don’t think we have ever had a group of women doing the conga through the open doors of a venue and back in again like we did last night.  Pure joy!

Today marks the end of the Vincentennial Cookblog which is a weird feeling.  I’m not sure exactly how I feel about it, I know it is a turning point but what happens next is anyone’s guess….

William Powell’s Vatrouskis

1 cup / 200g cream cheese

¼ cup / 65ml sour cream

1 tbsp butter, melted (or spreadable)

1 egg, beaten

½ tsp sugar

¼ tsp salt

13 oz / 375g shortcrust pastry (I usually use one of the ready to roll sheets)

Makes 12-15 tartlets

Preheat oven to 230 degrees C / 450 degrees F

Mix together the cream cheese, sour cream and butter until well blended.  Add beaten egg, salt and sugar.  Butter the insides of a muffin tin.  Roll out pastry and cut into ¾ inch rounds.  Press these gently into muffin tin.  Fill each one almost to the top with mixture (about 2 tsps each). Bake for approximately 20 minutes.



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